Bloody Egg

Angelica Fern

May 1, 2018
We had an egg hatching that made it part way through zipping and stopped. We had noticed blood at the cracks before and thought it didn't look right but didn't know what to do. Later we realized it wasn't making progress and upon checking it found it had died. Does anyone know what caused this and if there is anything to be done if we have another one looking the same?
Sounds like it hit a blood vein that had not retracted yet which is rather unusual. I'm not sure there is anything that could have been done to prevent it, we normally worry over delayed pips and zips not eager beavers that come before they are really ready. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one, it's frustrating either way. :he
We had exactly the same scenario a few days ago but the chick survived the blood vein and hatched ..but only because another chick picked at the shell attracted by the blood I think
Sadly the chick is failing to thrive, doesn’t appear to be in pain so I don’t feel it’s time for euthanasia but I also don’t think he’s going to make it.
Sometimes I think Mother Nature knows best and let’s them die in the shell where they are comfortable..

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