Blue and Splash Orpingtons, Canton, MS

I also love the birds I got from James last week! Went to get a few come home with 10 ha ha!
Got 7 pulletts and 3 roosters, blues, blacks, and splashes. They are adjusting fine and seem to like their new home. Getting aquainted with the rest of the brood. Beautiful birds. Thanks James:)
Hey, EweSheep, Marie_Martin, Sabrinainmiss!!!!

EweSheep - Thanks! The splash is really interesting looking. (tell ya a funny story... my sister showed her young son a pic of the splash orp, and he asked why I was allowing all of my other chickens to "do their business" on the bird in the picture!!!
She tells me she'll explain that the poor bird isn't covered in droppings...

Marie and Sabrina - Congrats to both of you!

Marie - your chicks are very pretty!!!! They are such friendly birds, aren't they? James really does a nice job with them. The two larger ones I got from him are very bonded to each other.. and yet are still very friendly... they are SO much larger than my other 15-week old chickens!

Sabrina - I had a similar problem -- started out looking for 1, ended up with 3! They're great! Post pics when you can!

DId I hear someone ask if I had pics of some of my other chickens?
I have some shot today that I put on photobucket.. some are of the newbies as well... 08/new july 08 chickens/?albumview=slideshow
Hey Ladies and thank you all for the kind words. I am glad that you are all pleased with the birds that you got from me. And thanks again to all of you!!

americana-chick, I am sorry but all of them are already gone. Well all except 1 grown Blue Rooster and 1 Baby Splash Rooster.


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