Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

Ok I finished my quail egg garlands. I used button quail eggs for the garland and i'm using Japanese quail eggs to make ornaments, they were to pretty to color.




Man, this stuff DOES snowball!!!

Fortunately my mom is all into this now...she's helping with the rub-ons, applying sealer, gluing on bead caps, and tying ribbon. She even found some little boxes to put them in for gifts too!

We blew out 3 doz. this Sunday. It took F O R E V E R.
Buying blown ones from Ebay is sounding better and better......
You should try the cute little blower I got off the net. It is called the Blax-Fix egg blower. It is small and looks like a toy but it really does make egg blowing sooo much faster. I got mine for 11.50 after shipping.
I have been blowing them out as I need while I am cooking. If something calls for an egg I just have all the stuff right there and if there is time I blow it out. I then collect them till I have a few and fill with bleach/water solution then rinse well and into the microwave, then they just sit and wait.

When my parents come for Cristmas my sister, Mother, DS and I are going to make the ordaments together. I ordered some of the bead cap things and some rubons. And this weekend I got 2 double yolkers from my Marans, it messed up my auction a bit
but I have 2 really nice big eggs to make something with. I have been blowing out Maran eggs and all of my Ameraucana pullet eggs, but thats gonna end in another week as I will begin hatching them soon
Some of my Marans were from eggs that I carefully candelled after they did not develop in the incucator, obviously I did not eat them
but they blew out with a syringe really easy as they were more liquidy from the heat but were not smelly
I was able to keep from wasting some really dark pretty eggs
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ok well another post from the rural east texas area. I found at walmart what they call metal bead spacers they are very tiny but they worked for my end pieces since bead caps are no where for miles to be found so there is a thought there. also ha ha ha found a scrapbooking store now scrapbooking isn't for me but I hit the motherload on rubons on clearance yipee!!!! also jewelry crafting wire 20 guage very cheap and very flexible but sturdy, cut a tiny piece stick through the tiny hole of the bead spacer then twist make a loop and hot glued it on the top of the egg so now i have a tiny metal loop to use an ornament hanger on or ribbon because the thin ribbon will not fit through the spacer holes woo hoo on a role....have some really cute "boy" ones with frog rub ons and snake rub ons promise I will post soon just sharing my "findings" as I go!!!!

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