Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

you could post a thing on there too that would encourage multiples... $7 each 2/$12 3/$15

people love a deal... like my mom who buys a case of some random canned good we never use becasue it's on a caselot sale...
Hmmm. I think I'll just leave them out in the garage and blow them out as I need them. That way they'll have more time to dry out, or at least thin out for easier blowing.

I don't have any pictures at the moment but I will in about an hour
NO! My camera died when I tried to take a picture!

Anyways, my first egg is finally completely done. A few others have rub-ons but no mod podge. This one is a white egg with glittery Christmas sayings all over it, complete with a small silver jingle bell on top, and thin burgandy ribbon to hang
I'm so proud of it! Of course it doesn't make much of a jingler, since the part that makes that sound was the side glued down. But I do have plans to add some on the bottom of a few so they will sound like bells are supposed to. Man, it doesn't take long for hot glue to dry hard to an egg. Once I put the bell down, it was stuck for good!
Found the batteries!

I tried my best to cover up as much egg as I could, so it'd take quite a few pictures to get a good shot at everything. But you get the idea at least.
For white eggs I used silver bells, and brown has gold
All the rub-ons were glittery but it doesn't show up really.



And some others with the left overs from another project. Still not done, need to fill in the space more first.
Oh and for the record, the snowflakes were a PAIN. They were cheaper, but my hands were cramped by the end! Darn things took forever to rub into the shell.

The easiest ones I've used (well I've only used two kinds) are the Paper Studio Rub-ons. The pain in the neck snowflakes were E-Z Rub-ons. I didn't even notice that until now. Should have realized it before I bought them, since others have had issues with them too. But oh well, I made them stick eventually and they're so pretty and glittery!
Thank god I only got one pack of E-Z's!
Mary,thanks for posting those. Nice idea, do you mind if I borrow it?

My painted eggs are turning out nicely. I may just leave them plain with no rub ons, but we'll see when I get a few more done.
Alrighty, I'll show off mine. I let my SO use his dremel to make the holes, which is always hard for me for some reason.

Please bear in mind that before I stumbled onto this thread, I had never in my life heard of rub-ons, bead caps, or mod podge, and I just took it on faith that someone outside BYC would know what I was talking about if I asked which aisle I would find them on. I hit payday on rub-ons, mod podge was simple enough to find (I wasn't quite sure which kind to get, but I think I chose correctly), but the bead caps . . . bleck. I went to every hobby store in town, a bead store, and checked ebay, and I've discovered that I plain don't like bead caps . . . not very surprising, since I've never enjoyed anything jewelry-esque. I do, however, love buttons, and I found some I thought might do. I hope they aren't too silly looking.

I only have bantams, so I couldn't do some of the rub-ons because they simply don't fit on the smaller eggs and they fold in on themselves. I will be getting eggs from my mother, because I think she'd appreciate an ornament from her own eggs, so I'll try the bigger rub-ons on those. I don't want to buy any eggs for this because I think it's too neat being able to say all the ornaments are from my own hens . . . I count my mother's as my own, since I hatched them for her.

I broke one of my eggs when I took it off the tree to get a picture of it.
Oh well.

A sampling . . . I love the snowflakes. I'm not a big fan of anything other than the poinsettias and snowflakes, so I don't think I'll keep the others unless the SO likes them.

The top . . . I bought three different basic type of buttons. I'm not sure which I like best.

The bottom . . . I was so happy to find tiny snowflake buttons. I think they're adorable.

Thanks, MissPrissy, for starting this thread and getting the idea into my head . . . what a fun project! Everyone has done such a beautiful job, I have loved going through everyone's photos. Happy holidays!
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I love the penguin with the bed cap and the one with the misstletoe! Those snow flakes are pretty too, especially the blue. I found that I liked the banty eggs better, even though some of the rubons don't fit them their size apeals to me more for some reason.

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