Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

Here is the Splash Copper male that I got from a breeder in Texas.

Vicki & Don~ Would you please give me your thoughts on him from what you can see in these photos. I know you need more pics but this is what I could get while he was standing still.
He seems a bit high in the rear to me...not the tail angle but around the cushion area.
Thanks in advance.

He is just so pretty (not sure if one should say that about a boy, but still..... )
He is just so pretty  (not sure if one should say that about a boy, but still.....  )

Thank you both for the nice comments on him.
I made some heavy culling decisions this last weekend and culled my numbers down to 11 birds total. 2 roosters, 1 cockerel, 2 hens, 2 POL pullets, 3- 3 mos. old pullets and 1- 2 month old pullet. Unfortunately, the Splash Copper cockerel was one of the several that didn't get to stay. 12 birds or under is a very managable number of birds for me and makes single mating and testing so much easier to track.

I'm hoping that if life settles down just bit by fall that I might be able do some more single mating as all of the young pullets should be laying by then. I rather like raising chicks in the fall and over winter vs. the summer. :)
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Hello Don!
Hope you are doing well. How goes it with all those chicks that you have growing out? Did you get any photos of them yet?
Hello Don!
Hope you are doing well. How goes it with all those chicks that you have growing out? Did you get any photos of them yet?
Kim, it has been really hot here lately. Still have the young Marans from all over the USA. The first from Texas have 19 there are 7 males and one of them is wheaten colored, will be a lot of wheaten influence with these as some even have white legs like the expert want them to have. Only one or two pullets with feather shanks and toes. These were supposed to be from show birds.
I have thirty younger from . Four dozen eggs and a lot have the Rudimentary Toe and a lot of Sprigs from two dozen of these eggs. The young from Lisa Olson have real good type and color but alsohave the short toe.
Can't wait to see update shots don! All the chicks here have been moved to their grow out pens and are growing like mad now. I'm hoping to sort the youngest ones again this coming week when I'll finally have a day off

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