Blue Crested White Polishes - Genetic Code and Can This Be Bred?

Okay I figured a few bases for the Moore Head pattern. It's Birchen, Birchen Split for Partridge, & Partridge based.

Birchen _ E^R/E^R

Birchen Split For Partridge _ E^R/e^b

Partridge _ e^b/ e^b

For this White Moore Head pattern. It has a combination of Silver, Columbian, & Dark Brown/Ginger/Black Tail.

Silver _S/S, or S/- (Females have 1 copy)

Columbian _Co/Co

Dark Brown/Black Tail/Ginger_ Db/Db

Another gene included is the Charcoal Melanizer _ cha/cha

But with the birds with Blue Moore Heads, they have the Blue Gene Added.
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Ahh your location must have a lot! I wish there were more APA breeders
I'm breeding towards SOP with my Orpingtons, & Silkies. Soon with my Heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks, which already look really perfect, just one hen has a few half barred feathers, a common flaw.

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