Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Around what age do these cuties start to crow if they're a roo? We have three that are around 10 weeks old. We think 2 are pullets and 1 roo. The "boy" has a big red comb and wattles. He also has by bigger legs/feet. Just waiting to possibly hear a crow.
Around what age do these cuties start to crow if they're a roo? We have three that are around 10 weeks old. We think 2 are pullets and 1 roo. The "boy" has a big red comb and wattles. He also has by bigger legs/feet. Just waiting to possibly hear a crow.

I'm curious too, I have a almost 9 week old Roo who hasn't made a peep for so long, no clucks , nothing. But today he is going through the motions, but without sound. I thought he was choking at first, it looks odd.
I'm curious too, I have a almost 9 week old Roo who hasn't made a peep for so long, no clucks , nothing. But today he is going through the motions, but without sound. I thought he was choking at first, it looks odd.
Roosters can start crowing at different ages. Some people have vidoes of their roosters crowing at 3 weeks. (It's true, I saw it myself!). One of mine crowed at 8 weeks. One, not until he was 4 months old. I have an 18 week old who hasn't made a peep! So, who knows. IMO it depends on if you have other roosters, if there are mature hens around to get him motivated, where he stands in the pecking order, things like that. My 4 month old roo never crowed until my daughter was visiting and we told her he wasn't crowing yet. She went up to him and said, "Look, you do it like this" and she crowed for him. He just looked at her funny, but as she walked away, he crowed!!!! So she now claims she had to teach him to crow. The one we have that started crowing at 8 weeks, does a horrible one syllable crow. Sounds like someone is choking him, but I guess they all sound different and his crow is just dumb sounding! Oh well, he carries the green/blue egg gene which is what I wanted so he is staying.

Tag you're it!

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