Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Yes, that's what I meant, sorry! LOL!

I found the link I was talking about too:

I can talk all day long about horse genetics, but chicken genetics make my eyes gloss over. LOL!

I don't want to dilute the color too much, so I'm guessing that wouldn't be too good of an idea? Unless folks just want pretty birds in their flock.

BUT if I got a black laced from that crossing and put it on my splash laced hens (who look to be developing the deeper red color) I could get 100% blue laced? I think I am reading that correctly. But I would need to watch the "red" color. These gold laced I have are definitely a deeper gold, but certainly not red.

All this because I don't want to shell out more money on shipped eggs from a quality breeder. I love making my life complicated. LOL! (I don't even want to add up the $$$ I"ve spent this year on shipped eggs that have had crappy hatch rates!) Haha!

Yes, that's what I meant, sorry! LOL!

I found the link I was talking about too:

I can talk all day long about horse genetics, but chicken genetics make my eyes gloss over. LOL!

I don't want to dilute the color too much, so I'm guessing that wouldn't be too good of an idea? Unless folks just want pretty birds in their flock.

BUT if I got a black laced from that crossing and put it on my splash laced hens (who look to be developing the deeper red color) I could get 100% blue laced? I think I am reading that correctly. But I would need to watch the "red" color. These gold laced I have are definitely a deeper gold, but certainly not red.

All this because I don't want to shell out more money on shipped eggs from a quality breeder. I love making my life complicated. LOL! (I don't even want to add up the $$$ I"ve spent this year on shipped eggs that have had crappy hatch rates!) Haha!

it is so worth it to keep quality stock with the BLRW, don't give up! and don't cross out..
there may be breeders in your "area" that you could connect with for chicks or eggs
I am wondering what everyone thinks about the three best roosters that I have from Peakybeaky. I am looking for constructive criticism and also wondering if the shafting on the feathers is a problem. Thanks for looking!

First one is Mr. Splash

Mr. Splash picture #2

Mr. Dark Blue

Mr. Dark Blue picture #2

Mr. Light Blue

Mr. Light Blue picture #2

okay I will try my hand lol... I am NEW to breeding BLRW and still learning myself!

how old are they? they look maybe 6 months old or so? they will not be full size til at least 12 months so some things have to be grown into/forgiven until they mature.

what does shafting on the feathers mean?

Mr. Light Blue
needs better angles.. he does look round in the chest though. need side angle and front facing angle
Mr. Light Blue picture #2
has a really low pointed wing angle here, it should be horizontal and it points to the ground

see: body shape, wing angle

Mr. Dark Blue
I think he looks the best in roundness so far, but he needs to get rounder in the breast, how old is he? I *think* his tail angle looks good too, it still needs to feather out more, but if it does he will look good wing is kinda low, should be up higher.. this also drops his shoulder/changes his back shape(?) I was told..
Mr. Dark Blue picture #2
need to see feet standing apart to see width

I tried to put the standard tail angle image over him, the angle in the photo is off slightly so it sort of works. side angle from down low is needed..

Mr Splash
I kind of think he looks the best, need a side angle though. I guess his wing is going down slightly

from the wyandotte standard of perfection:

I am really interested to hear from other more experienced BLRW folks to see what they see so we can all learn from it!
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I have been taught from the awesome BLRW breeders here to breed for TYPE first.. meaning body type/shape. unfortunately it takes the longest to even see because they have to grow up first!

here is a scale of points of wyandottes, as you can see all the body parts are the main portion of points, and most important. things like wattles eyes and beak being less points:

here is the wyandotte SOP book for free on Open Library:
I am wondering what everyone thinks about the three best roosters that I have from Peakybeaky. I am looking for constructive criticism and also wondering if the shafting on the feathers is a problem. Thanks for looking!

First one is Mr. Splash

Mr. Splash picture #2

Mr. Dark Blue

Mr. Dark Blue picture #2

Mr. Light Blue

Mr. Light Blue picture #2
. My pullet is growing up.

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