Blue Naked Neck Eggs 15+


I Got The Naked Neck Blues
10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Ocala Fl
I just hate to throw these eggs away! I got them on medicine and i can't eat them for ten days, so i'm putting them up for auction. I had some white rocks born, the last time I put some eggs in the bator while the hens were on their meds. So if anybody wants some BNN eggs they will be shipped on Monday morning, and as always, I will pack the eggs individually with bubblewrap and peanuts in the box. any questions pm me. thanks.




I find myself coming back to this auction over and over. I just love Turkens but I don't have any room in either incubator right now. Is there a chance you will have eggs later on? Maybe the beginning of April or so? I do really want some more, I miss my big boy Ollie, he died this winter, and we'd like some more running around again. Let me know if you will have more eggs and what the price would be. Thank you so much!
i just got back from my weekend off,had a great time,ok they are on wazine for worms,that's why i can't eat thew eggs.

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