Blue Orpington 3 Wks Old....Cockerel, Right?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Was hoping for a pullet to give to a friend, but I fear that it isn't to be. Here is a blue Orp chick, three-and-a-half weeks old, a bit early, but I'm already seeing signs of BOY in the feathering pattern, the arched slightly pink comb, long legs, etc. What do you guys think? If it's male, someone think about taking this cutie. He's lighter than many cockerels out of Suede that I've had in the past.




Thats a tough one. i would definitely wait on it though because i think there is a good possibility for it to go either way at this point.
I know it's a tad early, but I do see pink in the comb. Also, the way the wings are coming in, it just seems like a male, but his mother feathered out more like am male, too (though her comb wasn't arched and pink at three weeks old) Gosh, I have a Barred Rock pullet, same age, that has pullet coloring from head to toe, but her comb is already pinkish! I'm going to be very bummed if I have another one like lockedhearts' RuPaul, a super dark rooster. This is the Year of the Rooster, for sure! could still go girl. I was staring at Baize the other morning...I'm still thinking girl on that one too. Very manly girl, but girl none the less......fingers crossed for you!
That Baize developed early on, but sure, it could be a girl just like its mama, very masculine in the way she developed. Well, as always, time will tell!
Look at this one, a BR pullet, by every sexing rule, but see the pink in the comb at 3 weeks old? I've seen some girls start that pinkening process way too early lately, especially in the Wyandottes I used to have, but other than that, she has all the earmarks of a BR pullet, the darker color, dark down the leg fronts, etc.



Me thinks you have alittle cockerel there Cyn. I have been fooled one time with a blue thinking boy and he is now a beautiful hen!!! lol

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