Blue Orpington

Hi, I traded out a OE cockerel today and got this chick. I was told it was a Blue Orpington. I have a Buff but never had a Blue. What are your opinions on this chick?? I'm not sure on the age but I'm guessing around 3 weeks old.


Judging from beak and leg shanks, It surely looks like one of three colors blues come in. Time will tell if its a roo or not. Loosing its baby fluff and starting to grow out feathers. I would guess closer to 4 weeks old or maybe even 5. My chicks are 2 weeks old and just starting to grow and shed fluff. You really should enjoy this bird but 1 is not enough!:lol:
Judging from beak and leg shanks, It surely looks like one of three colors blues come in. Time will tell if its a roo or not. Loosing its baby fluff and starting to grow out feathers. I would guess closer to 4 weeks old or maybe even 5. My chicks are 2 weeks old and just starting to grow and shed fluff. You really should enjoy this bird but 1 is not enough!:lol:

Thanks, I don't think it's been handled a lot so it was hard to get pics. I have it in with a 4 wk old blue OE and a 2/3wk old EE which was part of the trade also. I'll try to get more pics and post them soon. What are the 3 blue colors that they come in??
Well, blue orps are anything but blue! There is the black that in sunlight shows irrodecent shades of green, and then there is the silver gray shades sometimes having black neck hackles or just pure silver gray. Last but not least is the ever so rare splash color of white looking like you splashed paint on it! Yours is starting out to be a silver gray. Blacks are born black. The silver grays are shaded gray at birh. I had one silver so far and it was definitely all silver at birth. Never owned a splash yet so I wouldnt know what to look for at birth. To know a true blue is to look under their wings and if the wing pin bones are a deep blue black, then you have a blue orp. Leg shanks are slate gray to black and beaks and eyes are both dark to black. Good luck!
I haven't crossed blue and buff. I currently cross lemon cuckoo roo over blue and black hens.

I believe there are pictures somewhere in my profile. If not and your interested. I can try to post them here. It can be tricky from my phone, and that is my only connection.
Hmm, the orpington breed name would continue as the sire is Orpington. Color genetics is another game. The rooster contributes 2 points and the hen only1. If the roo was barred, the barring would be dominant. Cant help you anymore than that.:(
alright. Seriously. I how do I go about getting a couple of blues for my flock? I can't find anybody that is selling these. I'm not looking for this year, I have to expire a few tenancies in the coop first--but I want to add a couple next year. Any good distributors?
Where in west Michigan are you? We have a homestead between Ludington and Manistee near lake Michigan. I have the blue orp strain and if you are seriously interested, I might be able to fix you up with a few. Dont be mesmurized by the color blue because the blue orp breed is anything but blue! 3 basic colors of shaded silver gray, black, and splash which is pretty rare. I only wish I had splash! Contact me and I can feed you more info. Sorry but these are hatchery stock I have been breeding for the 3rd year now. Very healthy and real eye candy. Good layers and tasty!

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