Blue Sex-Links?

My way is to breed a splash rooster to a black barred hen. Splash x black = blue, and the solid roo over barred hen makes sex link chicks.

Here's babies with surrogate momma, female on the left, male on the right.

Here they are a little older, female in the front. It's kind of hard to see the barring on the blue male as he feathers out, but it gets clearer as they mature.

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Thanks. I'm hoping to really get my breeding project off the ground later this summer once my health permits. My goal is blue hens that lay blue eggs
Would you lose the sex link effect if you bred it to a blue egged layer like an Americauna?
Bred which? the parent stock or the offspring?

Egg color genetics don't cancel out any of the sex link genes. In my case, those chicks were a splash Ameraucana rooster (blue egg genes) over barred Rock hens (brown egg genes). So, the offspring pullet should lay some shade of green eggs.

Sex linkage is a one time deal, so breeding the sex link pullet or cockerel to any other bird won't give you a sex link.
We bred several from our Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte cock over Barred Plymouth Rock hens. All of the females were solid blue and the males were blue barred. Very cool project for a while, but we sold them as a laying flock and the cockerels went to be butchered.
My way is to breed a splash rooster to a black barred hen. Splash x black = blue, and the solid roo over barred hen makes sex link chicks. Here's babies with surrogate momma, female on the left, male on the right. Here they are a little older, female in the front. It's kind of hard to see the barring on the blue male as he feathers out, but it gets clearer as they mature.
What's a splash? ??

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