Bob Blosl is gone

The poultry world has suffered an immeasurable loss with the passing of Bob Blosl. His words ring in my head as I mull breeding plans: Go down the middle of the road.

The true RIR will thrive thanks largely to Bob's efforts to get well bred birds into the hands of so many enthusiasts. How can we help ensure the same is true for the line of Mottled Javas he recently accepted responsibility for?

My heart goes out to his family. RIP, Mr. Blosl.
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Yes, I feel as though he volunteered me for that least to get his plan out there. David now has the birds and knows how very special they are. David also lives about 1 mile from Dr. McGraw's son which really made Bob's day!

It weighs heavy on my heart. His most recent email to me was that he wanted his plan published in The Poultry Press. I have most of it and am working on compiling it together and will send it in soon. I'm also working on the Winter newsletter which I will do my best to honor him there as well. It sure was hard for me when he sent an email telling me he was going to contact me on October 19th (yesterday) after the Javas were picked up. Oh, how excited he was about it. It's hard on the brain to comprehend. - BUT we were going to do this tomorrow...

Poultry was always on his mind. He told me that he couldn't wait for the newsletter to come out....was up all night thinking about it.
I know he was also looking forward to the poultry show in February.

As I read through his emails to me I found a common thread...the words "help" and "share" were almost always used. May we all remember that's what it's all about!

Mr. Robert "Bob" Blosl has impacted the lives of many and will be greatly missed.
Yes, I feel as though he volunteered me for that least to get his plan out there. David now has the birds and knows how very special they are. David also lives about 1 mile from Dr. McGraw's son which really made Bob's day!

It weighs heavy on my heart. His most recent email to me was that he wanted his plan published in The Poultry Press. I have most of it and am working on compiling it together and will send it in soon. I'm also working on the Winter newsletter which I will do my best to honor him there as well. It sure was hard for me when he sent an email telling me he was going to contact me on October 19th (yesterday) after the Javas were picked up. Oh, how excited he was about it. It's hard on the brain to comprehend. - BUT we were going to do this tomorrow...

Poultry was always on his mind. He told me that he couldn't wait for the newsletter to come out....was up all night thinking about it.
I know he was also looking forward to the poultry show in February.

As I read through his emails to me I found a common thread...the words "help" and "share" were almost always used. May we all remember that's what it's all about!

Mr. Robert "Bob" Blosl has impacted the lives of many and will be greatly missed.

Thank you :)
It is with great sadness that I have to inform everyone that Robert (Bob) Blosl has passed away.  Matt and I have both spoken with his wife Zora who is in total shock and completely devastated as the rest of us are. When I find out more information I will post it as this has just happened in the past couple of hours. I have become very close with Bob and he held a wealth of information and was more than willing to help anyone. He was the best cheerleader that the Rhode Island Reds EVER had. May he continue to cheer them on in Red Heaven.
Wow, Bob - I go off for a weekend camping trip with my cub, come back to my favorite thing and find you've already been two days at The Master's pens!

I think you had a pretty good idea of what you had done here, I could feel it in your words of appreciation when you'd marvel about how many posts and how many views your 'treads' had gathered. The poultry world is beholden to you for your kindness and your willingness to share.

Step away from from those magnificent pens up there and incline your ear this way - that peculiar noise you hear is us... kickin' the can, right down the middle of the road, and keepin' it simple.

Set your water pail and feed sack right there by the Gate, and rest in peace brother.

Miss Zora, thank you for every minute you shared your Bob with us - typing away on the internet - it's a wonderful thing he accomplished here! We are sad, but grateful.

May God bless and keep you, holding you in the palm of his hand, 'til you meet again.

"Will the Circle Be Unbroken"

(edited to fix typos I couldn't see yesterday for welled up eyes...)
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I am so sad to hear of the loss of our friend Bob Blosl. I have learned so much from him here and will miss his informative posts. I am happy that I had the love for the Reds in common with him.

May the Lord Bless him and Keep him.

I've known Bob for many years. We swapped Red bantams back & forth several times and had several long conversations about poultry in general. Bob was a nice fellow whose biggest contribution to the poultry world was his encouragement of anyone's interest in breeding & showing. He helped a lot of people find birds & connect with other breeders. He had a lot of knowledge he shared freely. No doubt he'll be missed.
I was away at a show in Nevada this past weekend, but Steve and a couple others emailed me about Bob. I appreciated them taking the time to do that. Bob was a very special guy and as we all know, had a special talent in being able to talk chickens online (or anywhere else) and not annoy folks like some of us do. His calm folksy way was enjoyed by all. Where I was like Atilla the Hun online, he could keep his cool and work his way through differences of opinions. He and I talked about this many times and I told him many times that he possessed a very special skill in that regard. He was a very hard working humble man.....a very special man that did more for poultry than many would ever do and he did it with joy in his heart.

Bob did not care about wins or "chasing points" as he called it.....his passion was promoting the Poultry Fancy.....which he did every day.

The Poultry Fancy has lost a very special person. Bob would not care about this, but I am recommending that he be inducted into the American Poultry Association Hall of Fame. He certainly deserves that distinction. I am still in a state of shock. Rest in Peace my friend.

Walt Leonard

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