Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Well, it really is ONE LETTER BETTER (the 'r') than another famous political figure who is also from Texas....

Jim - the poultry show marshals are watching you bud, so behave!

Sam Brush
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I guess you need to tell doc Everett that Duane sent some out to Calif that are tearing up the AOSB class out here. The AOSB class in California is the largest class of large fowl,,,,,,,,usually. Generally 100+ birds at at least three shows. Sam has also sent out some good birds.

Darn! Looks like the German Langshan only comes in bantam! Too bad...I have a nice pullet that would be a good Largefowl German bird...

You're right Chris...I REALLY like those pages!
Urch Turnland poultry is a hatchery but its a show quality hatchery. Urch- Turnland poultry are master breeders of 6 breeds.

which 6 breeds? i was told that his cubalaya was hatchery quality at best. not to say anything wrong with hatchery if thats what you want.

Never had any of his Cubalayas but some years back I had Black Giants & Black Ameraucanas from Duane. Showed some of each in their respective National meets & placed well with both. Also had White Leghorn LF from him that were nice birds as well.
I'm pretty sure buckeyes are one

Mr. and Mrs. Turnland has the Beltsville Small White mastered. Mr. and Mrs. Urch has Egyptian, Narragansett, Pear Guinea, White Runner, and White Crested mastered.
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