Bobcat attack, please help!

Green chunks in poop is bile. That happens when the liver hasn't got anything to metabolize. Try boiled rice with runny cooked egg mixed in. It's my go-to food to tempt a chicken to start eating again.
Oh I will definitely try that. Thank you so much for the help!
Symptoms of continuing shock are weakness, imbalance, stumbling when trying to walk, extreme lethargy, droopy eyes and tail. If in doubt, continue the sugar water/electrolytes.
Ok. She is quite weak, and her tail is still down. This morning she put it up for a few minutes which she hasn’t done since the attack, so I am assuming that is a good sign? She is looking much more awake this morning and was walking around, drinking and pecking at the box I have her in. I have been having her on sugar water tho just in case.
She's improving. That's the direction we all want to see. You've been doing a terrific job!
Oh thank you! That means a lot. I feel like it was my fault in the first place, I should have found that weak spot in the run. But my lesson is learned. Thank you so much for all the help you guys have given me, I don’t know what I would do without this community

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