Bobcat in NY

I don't know what it is, but down here (SE Texas) something has been going on with the predator wildlife for some years here here inthisrural area just sorth of Houston 40yrs, I have never seen such an over-run of predators around here. Its unbeleivable....I hear at least dozens of coyotes close by regularly at night, and i do mean close, within several hundred feet of my home, several times almost out my windows. abobcat took a 9 mosold kitty I had a few months ago, literally right from under my house, about dusk. And a few weeks ago, I walked out on a bobcat in my backyard, not 15 ft from my back stops. It might sound cool, but believe me, that's very discomforting. My cousin had to take rabies shots 2 yrs ago, when a bobcat ran out from under a porch of a house and bit him, then escaped, west of here inn the hill country. One of my neighbors looked out her kitchen window one moring while doing dishes, and there was a bobcat at the edge of her yard, not 40 ft away, sitting there, watching her. We have it seems absolutely NO feral cats around here anymore,which used to be annoyingly plentiful, and every neighbor I know has no cats left except entirely indoors cats,same for really small dogs. I haven't seen any wild rabbits in some years now.
In and around nearby Houston, bobcats and coyotes and wild hogs are entering areas never imagined...people along several bayous/water canals near down town Houston, inside the loop. can't leave their pets out unprotected, for them coming up from the bayous and getting them, even out of fenced back yards.
Maybe it these years of drought, i don't know. I've never seen or heard of it this bad. I've never in my 40 yrs here locally seen a time you never see a sign of a wild rabbit or deer, whether live or as road kills. Other strange things. I never even knew there were river otters near me, I'm miles from a river, and one came loping through my back yard in the middle ofthe sat last year!
close to the city for bob cats is not uncommon there was a thriving population in troy and albany for years until they were trapped and dispatched
Im much more Rural than you are NY Boy but Bob cats are prevelent around here. and though people deny they even exist we have seen Mountain Lions in NY . With less and less Free Land to Roam the Cats are forced closer to cities .. With the land that was once clear for them to hunt on being built on its more and more common to hear of them coming into more populated areas looking for food .
I live in the finger lakes region. I had a Bobcat chase one of my house cats into the garage about six years ago. No mistaking it, it saw me and bolted (luckily) As recently as last summer my neighbor said that the DEC Econ Officer went to a local farm and looked at some tracks which he said were indeed Bobcat. There is no season, either hunting or trapping, for them in this part of the state.

There are also rumors of a few Mountain Lions about. Two years ago supposedly and then again six weeks ago. I am more skeptical of this but my vet says that someone he knows and believes to be knowledgeable and reliable saw one in his filed two years ago. It was in national news that one was hit and killed by a car in Connecticut. DNA samples point to it coming from the west and matching up with some other samples from another sighting between Connecticut and where ever it was suspected to have come from. We DO have a an area called Connecticut Hill near hear, perhaps he happened through mistakenly on his way to New England
Its not beyond the realm of possibility, but if they are hear its rare!

My vet also told me that there have been reports of fishers and martens moving down from the Adirondacks. Whether this is fact or rumor is hard to say. I respect my vet so I believe that he has read it somewhere in some professional postings or such. Would like to see one truthfully, just not while it has a mouthful of chicken!
Joe this morning I saw a bobcat! I'm in Sullivan County as well. At first I thought it was a dog and then realized what it was. It was HUGE, beautiful and checking out my

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