Bobcat visit!


Free Ranging
5 Years
May 13, 2018
I caught a bobcat on my camera last night for the first time (will post video later when I have time). Everyone is on lockdown, but fine. Hopefully, it moves on soon! Does anyone else live in bobcat areas? How much of an issue have they been for you? I mean, they would obviously take out all the ducks in a moment, but should I be overly worried in the daytime? Do they usually move on quickly if they can’t get what they want?
I have black bear, cougar, and bobcats. I haven't had an issue with any. Usually the coyotes keep the other predators away from their area. But we do get visits. I watch my chicken's behaviors, usually they know when a predator is around before I hear them, they stay closer to the run or refuse to come in the run at all and stay in the coop. I won't let them free range during this time until they tell be that the predator has moved on.
My coop and run are pretty much predator proof (if a bear wants to get in, it will), I have 1/4" hardware cloth on all six sides of my run, it covers my windows, etc. And a bobcat hasn't attempted to try to get into the coop. I normally hear the bobcat around dusk (they sound like a screaming kid in pain and I hate that sound).
Thank you for your response! My ducks overnight in a barn, so they were blissfully unaware. They are currently locked in their “duckio”, which is pretty darn sturdy. I’ll probably hang out with them so that they can free-range a bit as they get stir-crazy, but they will remain on “modified lock-down” for at least a week.

Our most ever-present predator is the Raccoon, with occasional Coyote and Black Bear Visits. I knew Bobcats are around, but I previously had not seen them on the property! Hopefully, it will behave and move on soon!

Oh, and here’s my video!

I know that mountain lions, coyotes, and wolves all hunt bobcats. This is mountain lion urine on amazon, you could probably also get cyotoe, or wolf. I bet it would do the trick.

Thank you for all of your suggestions! I had seen the “predator eyes” used by someone before, but hadn’t been able to find them. Now that I know what they’re called, I can order them! I will think about purchasing wolf urine. I think the Vermont animals would be confused by mountain lion urine, and we already have coyotes around. I’m pretty confident about the security of my barn (except for the possibility of evil weasel-type predators), but I will be way more careful in the daytime now too! Thanks again :)

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