


Jan 5, 2020
North Carolina
Just learned there's a family of bobcats that probably are 1/4th of a mile from my house in the woods. My problem is not with the mom, it's with one of the younger bobcats. I see him multiple times a day in a ditch just trying to figure out how to get my animals.

Everyone is in a run but it is made as a deterrent for predators and is not able to be made as something that is 100% pred proof.

I became aware of the bobcat issue a few days ago when I had the chickens free ranging in tbe evening. I heard my Pekin duck screaming and I ran out there and he was in my run trying to get my Pekin. I scared the bobcat away but obviously this is not ok.

I am trying to trap the bobcat but it's not working. I don't have a gun at the moment so I can't shoot it. Any tips to at least deter it? I know my chickens are at risk with this bobcat around but they are staying penned up to hopefully stop this bobcat from getting in until I can kill it.
i dunno your setup .. you could maybe poison it but you run the risk of poisoning something else ..a nice plate of a couple of cans of wet cat food mixed with a generous dose of rat poison would probably do the trick .. id just be careful with your strategy there lol ..
i dunno your setup .. you could maybe poison it but you run the risk of poisoning something else ..a nice plate of a couple of cans of wet cat food mixed with a generous dose of rat poison would probably do the trick .. id just be careful with your strategy there lol ..

Sounds like a plan. Thank you. Wouldn't do this for anything else but the bobcat has gotten on my last nerve.
:welcome :frow I have electric wires around my coops and pens, concrete under the gates and good heavy duty netting covering my pens all due to losses from predators in the past. I have dealt with bobcats in the past. One killed 14 of my birds in one night. I had some younger birds in my chick/grow-out coop. I forgot to shut the pop door. It dug under the fence. I put out leg traps inside the pen and shut the rest of the birds in the coop. The bobcat didn't come back the next night but did the following night and I had caught it and eliminated it. Since I have put electric wires around that coop and pens too. I have been seeing another one but it hasn't made any attempts. It probably knows the electric wires are there. Good luck...

Here is the bobcat I have been seeing recently. This is the same coop the other bobcat killed the birds at.
DSCF0002112 09Rev.jpg
Be careful here. You may want to use a little more discretion. Any animal considered a game animal or fur bearer typically has a season and killing one out of season would be illegal.

It is highly recommended that you consult your state's game laws prior to taking action or your local DNR office for suggestions.

If its legal this time of year, go get him and good luck!
i dunno your setup .. you could maybe poison it but you run the risk of poisoning something else ..a nice plate of a couple of cans of wet cat food mixed with a generous dose of rat poison would probably do the trick .. id just be careful with your strategy there lol ..
i would highly recommend not doing that.

you don't know what will eat said poison and what eats said poisoned animal.

to the op

shooting and trapping are much better ideas.

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