Body piercing (nose) anyone got one?

I guess I gotta chime in. Here is my story, I've had my ears done, double holes, since I was a kid. Well, this seems off topic but it's not, when my mom was a teen, she had to give a baby up for adoption. We recently found her so now I have an older sister, and we decided to get our upper ears pierced with each others birthstone in it. I'll keep that one forever.

I have my nose pierced and only wear my diamond in it. Dh has one nip done.

I have Three tatoos, and am working on getting my entire back done. It will be a jungle scene when it is finished.

I don't care what it looks like when I'm 80 because I'LL BE 80!!! (I plan on having purple hair, wearing a silver jumpsuit and carrying a cane with a lion head on it when I get old anyways) Plus...I figure an old chick with tats is gonna get RESPECT in the nursing home!!!
I forgot to mention I do have small tat,, I got the day I graduated basic training from the AF, it's small red X about 1 inch square and has the letters KMA all in caps under it..... You have to know me VERY well to ever say you saw it!
That is so awesome! And i def. agree with the nursing home respect!
im getting a dragon with black bat looking wings on my entire back in a few years and a dragon or vampire on my calf. yes, i do have this thing with vampires. i bite. ive drawn blood to a friend's neck and they have a scar there! ill have to get a picture of it one of these days. my teeth are really sharp
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Thank you drafthorse39. I'm a little bit cooky, but I figure I'm gonna have a good time while I'm here, even when I'm 80. I have some great plans for my old age....

I'm definately going to chase young ppl down the street, hence the need for a cane.

I'm going to make HUGE shopping lists, go into stores, find someone young thing working there, and say "Sonney, can you help me....", Then change my mind after he's found everything!!!

My favorite word will be "Fandangled"

My Dh and I plan to have rip roaring fights in very public places...then go home and laugh.

Ahhhhh to be old....
henhappy, ill come! how old are you? maybe well get old around the same time. i got some good ideas too. haha. we could just go clubbing when were 80!
Wouldn't that shock a few ppl! I doubt they would let us in, no matter how short our skirts were!!!! We could still stand outside and shout about the evils of clubbing to anyone that comes along. Then after we get arrested for public disterbance, we can tell the police we were making a disturbance before they were even alive!!! WHHHOOOOOHOOOOO!

Good Times.
My Cousin Kylie has a down there piercing, she was an exotic dancer at a very respectable? club in melbourne, and my family thought I was the wild one!!!
She made a few calendars too! not fully nude ones just tasteful ones.
She was also on the arm of some Aussie movie stars at the "Logies" Aussie "Oscars"
When she would come visiting us we would go to do lunch somewhere, she was a Glamazon, EVERY head turned to look at her, she was so pretty with long natural blonde hair and a lovely figure, I was so proud of her.
And id think, "what about me" Im ok too arent I, NOT!!!!
Anyway she had a down there piercing and Mum said that when she came to stay at her house she dropped her dacks to show her, Mum was gobsmacked but Kyles didnt feel emabarrased in the slightest.
She had little silk ribbons too for dancing with.

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