

Jul 31, 2017
I’m very troubled because my silkies don’t love me. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But we have 13 chicks to be laying chickens and 4 laying hens and they all adore me! They jump in my arms every time they get the chance. My three silkies, however, whom I’ve had for a couple months, just aren’t the same. I thought they were supposed to be the more loving breed but they arent! They only reluctantly let me pick them up, and the biggest has even tried to run off a couple times! How can I bond with them so they’ll love me as much as the others do?
Living or dried mealworms. Chickens cannot resist them. It's like crack for them. They will run up to you, jump up & down begging to eat them out of your hands. In no time those little silkies will adore you.
Thank ou! Do you have any advice on how to go about this? At first I spread them on the ground then I started picking them up and hand feeding them but today one Silkie was eating worms form my hand then darted before he was finished! They seem to like them slightly less than they dislike me :( is there a different method?
I sit on the ground so I'm at the same height they are and hold the worm in my hand 'til they come up and take it out of my hand. Patience is the key.
If you're not squeamish, have you tried living mealworms? Chickens cannot resist wiggling worms. I also talk softly to them, probably because it makes me feel better. Remember, chickens love schedules & routines. If you're giving them something yummy, they'll become used to you being the worm dispenser & will become more bold trying to get the worms from you. Eventually they should warm up to you more.
Omg meal worms do work.... I have a pair of silkies my self that I've only gotten about a month ago... They are still nervous around me but they are opening up more. I go in and give them worms and plus when they go to sleep I'll walk around in there coop and pet them to show I'm no threat.

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