Book Club!

I guess I kind of forgot about this thread!

I've been reading a lot of historical stuff lately. I'm pages away from finishing "Daughters of the Winter Queen" by Nancy Goldstone. I have to admit, I don't recall ever learning about Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia, granddaughter of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Before that, I had just finished "Victoria's Daughters" by Jerrold M. Packard (and yes, I knew who Queen Victoria was!) and figured I would continue my royalty reading.

While I liked both books, I think Goldstone does a better job of making clear which of the identically and/or similarly named royalty is which. All over Europe, it seemed everybody was naming their offspring in honor of themselves or another relative, sometimes combining two overused names at once.
Interesting! I'm going to look into it.
Helllooo everyone!
I didn't realize until I read "Daughters," that "defenestration" -- that is, tossing someone out a window to their death -- was an acceptable form of execution in previous centuries. Made ne think of the scene in "Braveheart" where the old king gives his son's lover the heave-ho.
Interesting! Learned something new.

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