Book Your Spring Poultry Order now from Ideal Poultry

Mine should ship Feb. 4th. I can't wait! They seem to have good customer service, even called me when I missed typed my address. They definately want to make any transacation a successful one.
I got my first herd of duck from Ideal. I even called and told you guys how happy I was. Unfortunately, a neighbor dog got in the back and killed all but one.
Yes, you can mix anything together in the same order. We will box your order accordingly. We try to keep different species seperate if possible. However on very small orders we do ship in the same box and have experienced very little problem with this procedure.
The minimum order is $20 I think all their bantams are 2.77 each. So I think you'd have to buy at least 8. And they tack on a small order and quarter box charge ($12) but their shipping is so decent (mine was $2 or something), that it makes up for it.

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