Bourbon Red Turkeys AKA Animal Control (PICS AND STORY INCLUDED)

That is the funniest thing I've read in a while! I could almost hear all the gobbling going on. And look at them flare those tails! For some reason I kept thinking, 'Run, Forest, Run'! when I saw the photo of the guinea running like a scared quail!
Funny story those turkeys are like your own little poultry security force
I never knew till I read on this forum that people kept guineas in cages I just assumed they all ran around loose lol We had dozens maybe hundreds at one point on our ranch when I was a kid and now a friend of mine has some also and they just run loose.
Miss Lydia wrote: looks like that cat is in big trouble

It is a game. The cat does its best to startle the turks. The turks yelp and leap and then take off after the cat. The cat has known nothing but chooks and turks since it was a tiny kitten - will roll around in the firepit, keeping them company while dirt bathing. If our turks ever saw a guinea they'd probably take an infarct on the spot. If our Black Sex Link `boss bird' so much as growls in their presence, all the turks move off smartly to a safe distance.​

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