Boys? Boy & girl? 8-wk. old Ameraucanas - what gender?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
These are Ameraucanas by Scout, who used to live at Speckledhen's ranch. Not sure who he went to; I'm curious about the genders. Heidi, who hatched them, posted 4-week pics and the consensus was the the blue was a roo, the black was most likely a pullet. I'm not so sure about the black, and wanted opinions on both. The black has been picking on the others I have, and I'm hoping that's not a sign that she's a he. I do have more pics if these don't work for you!

Blue - roo?:



Black - pullet (I hope)?:


I sure love them! They're funny little things. It's been fun watching them grow up. Really hoping the blue one's a roo and the black's a pullet!! Thanks for your input, LC!
My little black one from Cynthia's has 3 ridges on his comb. Plus his comb is redder then my others. I have one that is a little older I'm still not to sure about. But the young one I know is a roo he was sparring with another one I gave away.
I am really sorry to tell you this but I think you have two roosters the combs are very wide for pullets. This is just my opinion.

The two little black one's have dark cherry colored combs compared to all the others I have. Plus they had the 3 ridges where the others only have 1. So I hope I'm right or I have all roos! lol That would be my luck! We'll see how it goes I have 6 in my pen and a friend has my other 2. I love them they are so sweet and I was lucky enough to get black, blues. & 3 silvers out of my last hatch.
Oh actually I looked agian and the black one is looking alittle pulletish
I don't really Know.

Hope you get a girl

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