Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

My Brabanters are now six months old and as pretty as ever but the cockerels have become competitive. So I put the cockerel with the best color pattern in a separate area because the other cock has the best crest. AAnnnnnnd today I found my first Brabanter pullet egg.
boy I am impressed with the size for the first egg. WOW it is as big as the six month old Orpington's eggs and she has been laying for two weeks. I promise pictures for tomorrow.
I'm jealous that your chicks have started laying, since they're a few weeks younger than mine. 2 of my chickens have recently started laying (an EE & a brown-egg-layer), but no white eggs yet. Maybe soon if we get some warmer weather & longer days
Hey Jen..............I was thinking of you and wondering if your girls are laying ! Not only did my little girl me an egg........but I HAVE ROOSTERS ! And I plan on collecting eggs to hatch ! nah nah
My friend from Artesia is here so are you sure you don't want a cockerel ??? They are OK. I can pick then up and handle them although none of my birds really like to be handled but none of them are fierce or try to bite me. I just pick them up, pet them and carry them around. I have a pair of Showgirls from a bird show that I attended. Usually at poultry shows they have auctions to raise money to pay the fees etc. Next to my little Olive E Amber, the Showgirls are the sweetest and I love to hold and pet them. Since I hatched and raised Amber from egg stage she is my baby. But it is funny none of them jump up on my lap like I have heard about. Of course if I had them in my own backyard I could visit them much more often.
Unless he's going to freezer camp, I think we're happy without a rooster. The hens have worked out a nice pecking order.

I wouldn't call my chicks exactly friendly either. They are not afraid of people & are not aggressive. They underfoot whenever we are outside, hoping for treats, and the ones who are laying have become easier to pick up, but I don't get the sense that they really "want" to be petted. One of my Brabanters will hop up on my knee or shoulder if I sit down, but I think it is more out of curiosity than affection.
Yes I could be happy without a rooster. Don't worry I was just joking. I am not sure if they like be handled but I consider it necessary so they know that I am boss. I noticed the hens are more calm when they are laying maybe it is "the hormone thing"
> I did take the pictures but they are not downloaded yet.
Spitzhaubens, group shot...........................................................................Chrisf

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