Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I sold one June rooster yesterday and have one more to place. I am looking for eggs to hatch hopefully in March/April. I have emailed H&H. I may also be interested in Spitzhauben eggs for hatching if anyone knows someone that offers those. They appear to be as rare as hens teeth

Yep both breeds of good caliber are rare as hen's teeth!

As far as I know Debra Pennington (Allenwranch's friend) is another Spitz breeder you can check out. I've lost touch with her for a good while.
8??? Are you sure you want 8 of them? I hate to see you run into one or two pullets out of the 8 but hopefully the odds would go even further if you got all pullets!

I will have no problem getting rid of surplus birds,and I am trying to (Dont shoot me)crossbreed them into another chicken also.
8??? Are you sure you want 8 of them? I hate to see you run into one or two pullets out of the 8 but hopefully the odds would go even further if you got all pullets!

I will have no problem getting rid of surplus birds,and I am trying to (Dont shoot me)crossbreed them into another chicken also.

What is your crossbreeding project plan?
We don't get much snow in San Marcos, and these pictures were taken after the sun came out and it started to melt.



The Brabanter compound.

The Spitzhaubens want out too !

How did those Brabanters get in with the Spitz ? Wait a minute. Are those gold Spitzhaubens ?
Ohhhhhhhhhh I would love to get your Spitzhaubens! Have to wait until my Orp banty gets broody again, sometime in June and hatch those babies out!

Can you ship chicks???????
The cream is lighter than gold.

Brabanters and Spitzhaubens, I am guessing they are distant "cousins" of each other. Brabanters have beards while the Spitzhaubens does not.

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