Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

It's been a week now for these guys at their new's taking them a while to acclimate to the NY climate from Texas, but today was nice and warm in the 50s so they were out sunning and eating grass, and yes Carla, that is snow on the wood pile in the background!...........................................................chrisf

I am sure they will do fine. Are they showing any interest in girls yet?​
Yes momma_hen I am still here (Don) everything is going well. Apparentlly you hatched some of my blue babys eggs huh? I can't get a blue eggs for the life of me
2 green egg layers but no blue.
Wish you all well in your projects
No, I haven't hatched any of her eggs. Whoever mothered and fathered your half breed obviously had some left in her, and Mama hatched them (she's an Ameraucana that is eternally broody and steals everyones eggs!!) Someone is laying blue eggs, but they are all running together again until Spring, so who knows? Everyone should be laying right now. There are only 2 Brabanters and 3 Ameraucanas that are "old timers" the rest are all hatched out between May and June or Ameraucanas purchased in, weather aside, they should be laying about now. I find eggs all over the place....just don't know who is laying what!

PS. Your old baby is laying a very light blue egg. At least, I'm pretty sure it's her.
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Are you sure it is not a badly spangled Spitz? If it was mottled, I would remember mottled has to do with a white speck or spot on feather.
Well, according to my genetics guru, it is a gold spangled.....just not the usual pattern..........I still like it very much!....................................................................chrisf

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