Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!


They are pretty! Dont worry about the spangling yet until they get their adult feathers in. The last two pictures I see cockerals.

So I'm going to have to wait until they are pretty much done growing before I know what quality I have? I'm not very good at waiting lol. I think I have three roos...which is fine, just means I have a few to pick from. I'm really enjoying them. They seem smart and they make noises my other chickens don't make.
They have figured out that Scott fills the feeder (I'm too short to get to it) so they coo and talk to him the minute they see him.
Here is my one little Spitz I have from Patty after poor Bowie passed and left Harley a widow :( Unfortunately it is looking a lot like a boy to me already which means he will need a new home.. *sigh*

I just had to share my "baby pictures"! These are my newest AS... 3 weeks old and loving the big outdoors! Some of those crests
might be tipping
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Hello all

I have 7 Spitz babies that I got last week. I'm very excited to have them and learn all I can about them. I posted some pictures elsewhere and haven't had any responses other then one telling me to try here. I was hoping to get some feedback on how well I did in picking. I picked the ones with the most forward crests I could...but I'm not sure about spangling, or other things I should be looking for. I'm not sure, but I think I have 3 roos and 4 pullets. They were hatched April 7th.

These are from my eggs.
I have a chick hatching under Dolly even as we speak. My coop isn't really set up for chicks. I suspect the ramp is too steep. I'll have to improvise something in the morning.
Hey! I am new to this thread and just wanted to say hi!
I love the Appenzeller's :) they look kinda like crested hamburgs to me...but I'm a newbie so dont flog me for saying that!!!! I would like to add some to my flock...but will have to wait till next year...I have my hands full already this year
I was wondering are they good layers? so far they seem to be the best of the crested breeds...or am I wrong?

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