Brahma Breeders thread

Well went out and tried to get some pics. I only have my phone and they never sit still. Again they are not quit 4 months. And there tails look funny because they are losing there feathers all the time and growing there new ones. and there feet are wet due to all the rain. So there feathers are not as fluffy.

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Oh that is a lot of cockerels! Only problem with that is that the roosters will breed the hens constantly because of the competition. So the hens will lose feathers on their backs. I would separate the roosters that you don't want to breed to your hens and breed for more hens. but it's nice to have a lot of roosters to chose between to breed with.
My Buffs r not quit 4 months now. I will takes some pics today if the dang rain will STOP!! They r getting good size. Very nice feathered feet and getting the hawk head. Man can they EAT! I have gone through 150lbs of feed this month. Have 15. Plus 4 others. Unfortunately I have 10 cockerels and only 5 pullets. But might not be a bad thing.
I usually only go through about 100 lbs for my 18. Maybe you have a lot of waste?
Oh that is a lot of cockerels! Only problem with that is that the roosters will breed the hens constantly because of the competition. So the hens will lose feathers on their backs. I would separate the roosters that you don't want to breed to your hens and breed for more hens. but it's nice to have a lot of roosters to chose between to breed with.
There not breeding yet. When they start they go in the community rooster pen until I figure which ones stay and which go.
I dont weight my feed. I Just fill a gallon pitcher full and give it to them when there trough is almost empty. Usually 3 gallons a day. I only give them scratch every other day. Plus they have all the grass they want.
one of my silkies brooded and hatched three brahma large fowl last summer. Her sister is trying to hatch her fourth brood in less than 12 months, hatch day is January 3 and the temperature was 12F this morning.

I have been looking at my two breeder roosters and think my goal for next year's culling will be primarily breast fullness.

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