Brahma Breeders thread

I have the opportunity to add 4 buff brahmas to my current flock of 5. My current girls free range during the day. I read somewhere that the brahmas aren't good at free ranging. Can anyone comment on this with their experience.

Mine free range in my backyard just fine. I lost one to either a hawk or owl early one morning though. I've read they aren't as.good a free ranger as other breeds are. After they reach a certain weight they don't fly like others can. I'm really thinking about putting a garden spot back there because of how well mine have kept the bugs out. I also toss some black oil sunflower seeds they forage for those plus any other kinds of seeds they can find. I've noticed already that I don't have as many weeds as I used to have. I think the main reason some people say they don't forage as well as others is because they don't go as far out as other breeds do to forage. My backyard gate got left open one time by my water meter guy and they staid in the backyard. I hope this helps some. I've had other breeds and they were boogers that would take off for the hills if their run gate was open.
I'm guessing too that they meant they may not supplement as high a percentage of their diet from free ranging as perhaps some other breeds that tend to wander farther afield. Perhaps their laid back personality might also put them at a higher risk to predation than some of the more nervous breeds.

We had a hen adopt our place a few years back, after the neighboring farm sold. She was out of working game lines. a completely different animal than my Brahmas. Ranged much farther, and was much more aware of everything going on. She was an excellent broody, saw her kill a garter snake once when she had chicks.
When do y'all decide which cockerel to keep, and which to process? Also what age do you process them? My 3 cockerels will be 21 wks tomorrow and are still on the very lean side. They're all feathers it feels like. I'm feeding Nutrena Feather fixer, free ranging in backyard, giving some fresh scraps (plus whatever they get out of the compost heap) and giving a little scratch and black oil sunflower seed. I did have them on the grower finisher until Bumpercarr suggested using the feather fixer. Any suggestions to fatten these boogers up?
Unless they have severe defects, I don't get rid of any less than 18 months old. But that's just me, I like to give them plenty of time to fill out. As for feed, a higher protein diet will fill them out for eating.
I believe the feather fixer is 18%. Mine usually only eat early morning, and late evening. It's been a "tad bit warm" lately and they try to stay cool laying on the cool ground under my trees. My husband thought something was wrong with them the first time he saw them laid out on their sides with wings partially extended. None of mine have any defects that I can tell. 1 of the boys isn't as developed as the other 2. He's bigger, but doesn't have the big tail, wattles or comb like the other 2 do. He's a late bloomer. I'm not going to keep him though. My favorite boy has the biggest and reddest comb and wattles of the 3 boys. To me he's also the prettiest. I'll just have to wait and see what they look like and act like this fall and winter. See if one of the other 2 start to pick my interest.
Hello, I would like to know who uses what to supplement their Brahma's food? I have moved back to FL & the only feed I can afford is Dumor, which is apparently crap. I used to get Tucker Milling in GA & it was an awesome feed & CHEEP! No pun intended. :) I know it's summer, but my chickens don't look as robust as they did on that feed & I want to start supplementing more. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Tia!
I use raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, and black oil sunflower seeds. Mine love both. I also changed my feed to Nutrena Feather Fixer from Dumor. I started doing research, and talked to Bumpercarr. She told me the feather fixer was a better feed for where we live in NM. I hope this helps.
I don't decide which cockerels are going until they are at least 10 mos old, usually around a year to 14 mos old. I usually decide in several different groups...first are the ones that obviously don't have what I'm looking for....those are the ones that go at the next butchering. That will usually cut my cockerels in half. Then at about a year old, I can choose the best 2 or 3 and butcher the rest. Then I watch those few that I have left, I like to have 4 cock birds when each breeding season starts popping to choose from (2 of each variety).

Hope that helps.

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