Brahma Breeders thread

I only have the 4 pullets though. Oh Bumpercarr, those 2 pullets are doing really well. They're slowly integrating with the 2 I already had. 2 of my cockerels are starting to get a little too aggressive after I seperated the pullets from them. So I'm starting to think about processing them because of it. 1 has already lost some of his feathers on the back of his neck. The main cockerel I like is still the top one out of the 3. I've been having to toss out more sunflower seeds to try and keep the peace. If they're foraging around theyre calm. It's when they're under the trees staying cooler the 2 smaller ones decide to be jerks. None have tried to have a go at me, just each other. How can I get them to calm down and quit going after each other? If they don't quit I will have to process them early, and I want them as big as I can get them when I do. Yes they're eating, and drinking fine.


This is the wing of an 18 week old "probable" cockerel. Is this shredding a phase or a fault? I don't see any signs of bugs or mites (although I'm not sure what to look for exactly because this is my first season with chickens). When his wings are tucked in the feathers stick out a bit like he is having a bad hair day.
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I have the opportunity to add 4 buff brahmas to my current flock of 5. My current girls free range during the day. I read somewhere that the brahmas aren't good at free ranging. Can anyone comment on this with their experience.

Free range? Holy...poop! We have 3 acres and when I let the Brahmas out of their pen, they stampede and use pretty much all those 3 acres!
They are super busy at 4 months old- their house and pen are nowhere near where they are in this picture, and that's just a few. Way back behind the horse. I have to chase them off the road, which thankfully is dirt and seldom sees traffic.
I only have the 4 pullets though. Oh Bumpercarr, those 2 pullets are doing really well. They're slowly integrating with the 2 I already had. 2 of my cockerels are starting to get a little too aggressive after I seperated the pullets from them. So I'm starting to think about processing them because of it. 1 has already lost some of his feathers on the back of his neck. The main cockerel I like is still the top one out of the 3. I've been having to toss out more sunflower seeds to try and keep the peace. If they're foraging around theyre calm. It's when they're under the trees staying cooler the 2 smaller ones decide to be jerks. None have tried to have a go at me, just each other. How can I get them to calm down and quit going after each other? If they don't quit I will have to process them early, and I want them as big as I can get them when I do. Yes they're eating, and drinking fine.
I'm afraid that any of my cockerels that have been around pullets after they are about 2 months old tend to fight a bit. I usually just let them work it out unless it is a huge problem. Usually it is only a problem if one is a few months older than the others, because he is bigger and in his teenage years he can hurt the others. If they are all the same age or there is a significant difference, it isn't usually a problem for me. Still have the squabbles, but no one gets hurt. If you throw them treats when they are being difficult, they will learn to be difficult so that they can get treats. Most of the time they will grow out of this picking on each other stage....if not, you'll have to cull the ones that you don't want to keep.

Next time though, as soon as you can identify which are cockerels in your chicks, you need to take them away from the pullets. I'm usually 99% correct by six weeks as far as sexing goes, occasionally I make a mistake and as soon as I figure it out, I move the mistake to the correct pen.

Sometimes putting an older cock bird with them will help, he tends to keep everyone under control in the bachelor pad. I know you don't have an older one....I can look to see if I have one I can give you if you want. I don't think that I do...but I'll look.
Ok I'll stop tossing them treats when they're being little boogers. Ok if I let 1 of the 4 girls go broody and get a clutch od chicks I need to separate the boys as soon as I know that they are boys so I can lower the possibility of aggression in my meat birds? The 2 newest girls are doing well. My 2 older girls are grudgingly starting to accept them. I'm kinda iffy about adding a new bigger and older boy because of their attitudes now. Plus already adding the 2 girls. I don't want everyone stressing again. I already lost that one girl to stress. I'm going to make my egg boxes in the next couple days and get them put out. The 2 oldest girls are starting to make little hollows in the shavings so I don't know if that's a sign they're getting close to laying or not, or it's just them trying to cool off. I know they should be getting close, but not sure exactly when they'll start. I know I skip around asking questions about these birds. Thank you so much everyone for the information I'm getting.
Ok I'll stop tossing them treats when they're being little boogers. Ok if I let 1 of the 4 girls go broody and get a clutch od chicks I need to separate the boys as soon as I know that they are boys so I can lower the possibility of aggression in my meat birds? The 2 newest girls are doing well. My 2 older girls are grudgingly starting to accept them. I'm kinda iffy about adding a new bigger and older boy because of their attitudes now. Plus already adding the 2 girls. I don't want everyone stressing again. I already lost that one girl to stress. I'm going to make my egg boxes in the next couple days and get them put out. The 2 oldest girls are starting to make little hollows in the shavings so I don't know if that's a sign they're getting close to laying or not, or it's just them trying to cool off. I know they should be getting close, but not sure exactly when they'll start. I know I skip around asking questions about these birds. Thank you so much everyone for the information I'm getting.
If you hatch under a broody, remove the cockerels as soon as she leaves them to their own devices.
Sweet! I can do that. I'm out there a couple times a day to check on them, and replace frozen water bottles and add little goodies to keep them cool. It's supposed to be 101 today. Not a good thing to me. I might just lock which ever one goes broody and chicks in coop and run. Why am I worrying about this now? The goobers haven't even started laying yet lol.
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So, I believe that I have a 19 week-old cockerel. "He" is not crowing, but I do have an alpha rooster, so perhaps that is why this bird has not vocalized. Could you please look at these pictures for type and color? I would like to breed him, if he seems to be shaping up to the SOP. I will be getting my copy of the SOP later this fall. Until then I though that I would ask your opinion. Please be honest. I need to locate him some more hens, if he is shaping up nicely.

Thanks for your time!


Not convinced. It has no pointed saddle feathers. The rounded laced tail coverts also scream "female". Horrible color. Squirrel tail. Top line is just WAY off. If you are truly interested in breeding standard bred this one.

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