Brahma rooster is plucking feathers off his legs and feet! Please help! Why would he be doing this? I Have washed them an applied Neosporin multiple t


In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2020
The pinfeathers hurt when they pinch trough the skin. You might want to spray his legs with BlueKote to prevent further picking and avoid infection.

Are you sure it is him working on his legs? Sometimes the hens like to nibble at the pinfeathers as they like the sweet taste of blood.
Ok I will get some of that for him. Does it have to be poultry specific? I think it is him only because I don’t notice the ladies pecking at his feet when they are out roaming around. When they are in the coop they stay up on the perch until I let them out to roam. We have three young brahmas in with 4 mixed breed older ladies.Thank you for your response 🙂

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