Brahma Thread

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Hi Tim,

Thanks for your advice. If I may ask a stupid question now.....what type of fan would be best to install, a plug-in free standing type or exhaust type of fan that fits into the wall? There is a power box on the wall inside the coop. Would this be safe to keep and plug a fan into or would the chickens peck at it and so it would be better moved? Sorry for the dumb questions, my husband is away overseas at the moment so I'm trying to figure all this stuff out on my own. Living in Thailand, Thais generally don't have chicken coops for their chickens and I'll have to find a Thai to come and build/fix this up a bit, so I will need to be really sure of what I want to do and then explain it well exactly how I want things done (don't relish the thought of explaining that in Thai language!).

One small concern I do have with my plans is that there is a child's louvre bedroom window right beside the coop. Not having had chickens before I have no idea how smelly or noisy it might get. Should I be concerned about this?

As soon as I get some new photos taken, I'd like to post them here to get other's opinions (and to show my new babies off of course LOL)

8 DAYS and i get my new light brahma Chicks i cant wait!!!!!!
Are these 2 Brahma mixes? What could they be mixed with? Could they be pure but poory bred?





I'll get better pictures if needed
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Tim would know better (infact most on this thread would) but I'd say the lighter one is a splash and the half pencilled one could be a light/dark cross. Maybe....
It's kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but they both seem to have a single comb going on, or at least a tall pea comb. This would indicate that they are crossed with a single comb breed of some sort. They do look like they could be brahma mixes though.
Hi again,

I have four new questions please...

1. I have checked out what is available here in the way of chicken food and medicated chicken food is simply not to be had. So, if I want to avoid cocciodosis then is there any other means beside medicated food or vaccination (also not available) that I can try? Our 1/2 acre section has a lot of rats and squirrels so I'm suspecting that the squirrels at least are probable carriers. (Had a baby bunny die a couple of years ago from cocci after spending some time on the grass).

2. I read somewhere that Brahma chickens being a heavy breed need a higher percentage of protein in their food. The foodstore is only used to selling food for layers that are Thai breed chickens and therefore a lighter breed. The starter feed for layer chicks until 6 wks old is 19% protein, falling to 16% for grower food from 6 wks old until 12 wks, then 14% for laying food from 13-18 wks old, and finally 17% for 18 wks old and up.

Conversely, the protein percentages for meat birds are as follows: hatched until 3 wks old 21%, grower food 19% for 3 - 6wks, and then 17% for 6 wks and up.

So, with that information, what would be the best feeding plan? Should I stay with the 19% protein until they are laying? (They are now 4 weeks old and are currently on the 19%).

3. Vaccinations - There are three vaccinations available here. a) NewCastle disease b) something to do with sore throats (sorry can't be more specific, no idea what this might be in the English language!) c) and a vaccination against mosquitoes (guessing malaria?)

Is there anything else I should be asking about?

4. After further consideration it has been decided that converting the old pump house into a chicken coop might not work. It is directly alongside kids bedrooms and the family are worried about the smell and also the noise. So, two further options are: an already existing concrete pad along the noisy road frontage (it would definitely not be a quiet area for chickens to peacefully lay eggs!) or on the other side of the property right next to our neighbours fence on a grassy area. The second option is my preference but again I need to consider the smell and importantly the noise. Can someone please give me an opinion as to the best position. Both areas receive a decent amount of sunshine for natural disenfecting purposes. With the second option I would raise the coop up on bricks or concrete blocks (really bad termite and fire ant problem here also so help this would help). Thinking about making the coop 7ft x 6ft with an additional run of 7ft x 17ft. Would this size work for up to 10-12 Brahma chickens?

Thanks so much for your really is appreciated.
I know most of my questions should perhaps be directed to other areas of the forum, but I was thinking as I am dealing specifically with Brahma chicks and their special needs I would post this here. Hope no one minds?

Hello All. I set some hatching eggs in the incubator yesterday afternoon. They were shipped last Thursday and arrived yesterday. Several had little yellow bubbles on the underside when I turned them this afternoon. Should these eggs be discarded? Give them another day or two and watch for more bubbles? I think dealing with an exploded egg could put me over the edge at this point in my life! Thanks!
I am not a Brahma expert, but I feed my large fowl Cochins and Brahmas 20% crumbles til they start to lay then switch to 20% layer pellets. They have done well so far.
I<3maura :

Hello All. I set some hatching eggs in the incubator yesterday afternoon. They were shipped last Thursday and arrived yesterday. Several had little yellow bubbles on the underside when I turned them this afternoon. Should these eggs be discarded? Give them another day or two and watch for more bubbles? I think dealing with an exploded egg could put me over the edge at this point in my life! Thanks!

Do they smell bad? Have you candled them at all? They may have very small cracks/fractures and be leaking or they may be "growing" bacteria instead of chickens. If they are leaking fluid I would not think they would hatch successfully.​
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