Brahma Thread

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Hey Matt, been wondering where you were. How's your hatching going?

I put another doz Bantam light eggs for auction if anyones interested. No Buffs yet.
I have been making room and working on new pens (going from 3 to 7 total).

The 14 original 2011 hatch are getting BIG - 8 Partridge (3 K's and the rest P's) and 6 Dark (4p's and 2K's) The Dark K's will probably get sold as a flock rooster for layers, but all four hens look promising for the fall shows. I have three nice Partridge K's and a gorgeous little pullet and if they keep on growing like they are, they may make a showring appearance.

I have a Partridge Brahama Hen setting on 12 eggs (8 Dark & 4 Partridge) due to hatch next week.

I started doing some egg sales too - and 4 out of 5 have seem to have turned out ok so far- another one I am going to replace because it appears the eggs got pretty shook up during shipping and these BYC'ers really want some Partridge Babies (I want them to have them too so more people start breeding the Partridge and we can get the color APA approved, so I dont mind sending them a replacement.)

Picking up two large Partridge Hens tomorrow which has me so excited. I wanted these hens the first time I saw them last Fall and tomorrow I get to go pick them up. Spring is in full spring here in Florida.
Just for those of who who aren't incubating or enticing hens to sit on eggs, here's a family recipe to help you use some up:

(measurements in UK metric and grams I'm afraid)

4oz plain flour
3oz self raising flour (or 8 oz plain and half teaspoon of baking soda)
200g dried mixed fruit (sultanas, currants, raisins)
handful of chopped glace cherries
100g ground almonds
Measure of rum (I use morgans spiced)
Boiling water (about 1 cupful)
4oz butter
2oz sugar
2 tablespoons of golden syrup

Soak fruit for an our in rum and boiling water and the drain and leave to stand in seive.

Melt butter, syrup and sugar in pan until smooth and not grainy, don't allow to bubble.

Mix fruit and almonds and flour until fruit is coated. Pour on slightly cooled syrup and butter mixture. Begin to mix in and the add your two beaten eggs. Scoop into a 7" round paper lined cake tin and leave to cool slightly and to settle (10 mins). Make a hat from the baking paper to loosely cover the top of the tin but not touching the cake mix, it will rise a little.

Put in oven pre warmed to 285F or 140C for 1 hour 50 mins. Remove hat and turn up to 150C or 300F for last 15 mins to dry it out slightly, it should be a golden brown, not dark coloured at all.
Turn out and cool on wire rack.

Don't feed it to the chickens!!!!!!

- Just thought I'd share it as my 3 year old and I do baking when the egg tray in the back kitchen gets a bit unruly, and I discovered an old family recipe in a cookbook and decided to give it a whirl. I have eaten nearly all of it already!!!
After picking up these two Partridge Hens from Lauren Fender I am excited to hatch some more Partridge chicks. The one hen Lauren showed to several BV and even a R. Asiatic - possibly a first for a Partridge Brahma? She is a nice hen and I am grateful to Lauren and her mom for allowing me to buy her. I also couldn't resist adding another Dark Pullet to the Mix and this new pullet has also been shown to Best Asiatic at the State Fair (I believe) so these were nice additions to the flock.

I am going to have several Trios of Partridge Brahmas come fall. Trios are $100.00 each, just PM if you are interested. I may bring some to the swaps with me locally.
A non-recognized variety, or AOV , is not supposed to be placed beyond variety. I could be wrong Matt, but thats the way I understand it. Maybe it was at a non-sanctiond(APA or ABA) show?
Yes, very cool. Just a bit odd a licensed judge would be that unaware.
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A licensed judge place my Lavender Ameraucana pullet over my Blue at an APA show. For those who don't know, Lav/Self-blue is not recognized yet.
Well hello everyone, first time posting here but i'll be playing catchup on this thread, my wife and I are just starting out with our Dark Brahma Bantams and Black Langshan Bantam programs. I'll try to fart around with posting pics but so far we've seen some great pics and some advice on chickens. As far as dark brahma bantams, has anyone come across a solution to the crow head problem? or maybe a theory?
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