Brahma Thread

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Wanted to know the quality this hen would be? What do you guys think ?

She's a buff brahma bantam

I like her head. She appears to have pretty good width. Tail looks a bit pinched. Color looks a bit splotchy...could very well be from too much sun exposure though. Like Chad always tells me, its about putting the parts together. I would use her with a male with an exaggerated BIG, WIDE tail.


I don't usually like to get involved on these sites a lot but I do like to read them. Everyone is always asking for comments on their birds and most of the more experienced breeders on here don't want to hurt anyones feelings which is good. I thought if I could figure out how to put pictures on here I would show a few of my birds that I have had a little success with. Don't really use this for a standard unless this is the direction you want to head. If you just want some Brahmas for laying and to admire then you don't necessarily need Brahmas that look like this. I just wanted to let people look at the other end of the spectrum.

Chad, I really like your females reminds me of some of the Mark Petersen Brahmas and even Bill Bowman lights. They have really nice clean feathering with no off coloring anywhere. Looks like you are on the right track with the large Light Brahma.

Just to ad, These Brahma have super nice Hackle feathering going all the way to ear level.
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I like her head. She appears to have pretty good width. Tail looks a bit pinched. Color looks a bit splotchy...could very well be from too much sun exposure though. Like Chad always tells me, its about putting the parts together. I would use her with a male with an exaggerated BIG, WIDE tail.


Thanks I'm pretty sure the discoloration is from too much sun, because she lives in a chicken tractor with an atched coop on it. And she spens most of her time out in the sun doing chicken stuff lol
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