Brahma Thread

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Anyone around Florida with a pullet or an older chick that didn't make the grade? I was waiting to hear back on the buy/sell thread but after 24 hours and no answer - I'd rather have a Brahma anyway. I'd prefer any color other than dark (only because my kids would prefer) but otherwise a healthy youngish bird (under 2yrs) I would be happy with.

I know there was someone breeding whites/blues in Gainesville but I don't know who. If you see my post... HOW MUCH!? LOL.

Oh- and I only need one bird. I'm still city living for now.
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I would ask what the selling price is or at least what the bird looks like and it's age before telling you what I would be willing to pay. I'm not looking for a show piece, but a backyard bird that would be saved from a breeders cull line, with the exception that it must be healthy, young and a female. While I am willing to take what is not an exact to the standard I don't want a badly bred bird either.

This is a live animal so price would be determined by what I was getting. I want a local bird that I would be able to pick up - no shipping. It's much too hot here for that. Where are you located? Your info says Pakistan.
Nevermind. :-( I looked into your threads.

Good news is I have been in contact with Celtic Farms. Bad news - wait for Fall possibly or Spring next year for what I really want. *pout* But it should be worth it. :)
Thank you very much!
Also I'm trying I sell his brother. Any idea what I should ask for him? I don't want to sell him but I have 3 roosters in that pen and 2 have to go
I've never purchased grown chickens, just peeps. I'm sure there must be a source on BYC here somewhere for pricing.
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