Brahma Thread

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Would breeding a cochin and brahma together give the next generation vulture hocks?

Vulture hocks being recessive should not be visable in the first generation cross, if the Brahma side of the family was free from this defect, as it should. However every chick from this cross will be carrying a single unseen copy for vulture hocks. It's when a chick receives a copy from both parents that it is apparent. If my tired brain is functioning properly, a breeding of two of these first generation crosses, should produce 25% two copy vulture hock showing chicks, 50% one copy normal looking chicks, and 25% no copy normal chicks. But to the eye the last two groups will look the same. This is a oversimplified explanation, but you get the idea.
Vulture socks new word for me thanks guys i looked it up and checked out some photos will be careful had never heard of his . Thank you
Vulture socks new word for me thanks guys i looked it up and checked out some photos will be careful had never heard of his . Thank you
Tammy, vulture hocks are acceptable as part of the breed standard in in the USA the breed standard does not allow them. If you cross a brahms with a cochin you will be adding vulture hocks to the genetic, it is not too likely to show up in first generation offspring but if you mate any two birds that have vulture hocks in the genetic you will get vulture hocks showing up in a percentage of the offspring.
So who is a really good breeder or light and dark brahma? I have been watching the buy, sell and trade egg page, but no offerings. Anyone want to help me out with some eggs?
Howdy folks - I'm new on this forum, and relatively new to buff brahma. I love my small flock of adult light brahma, so last fall I purchased 3 juvenile LBs, was sent two buff brahma as well. It turned out that all but one of the juveniles were actually roos, so I have no BB pullets. I found a home for my second BB roo, but my remaining roo is lonely, and though he and my remaining young Light Brahma roo so far are just play fighting they are beginning to both get serious about the one young pullet - a LB. She's ignoring their advances so far, but they are dancing for her and skirmishing with each other. I don't want actual fighting. In a couple months I will have moved to a larger farm where I will have a large coop with separated pens to use as needed, and will keep the young LB pair in a spot of their own for a time. But until then I'm concerned about things getting a little testy between the two young guys, so I need to find a partner for my 7 month old BB. Eventually I want to breed both the BB's and the LB's. My older LB's are from a neighbor, who got them from a hatchery - not Show Quality. My young ones are SQ. I have fallen in love with how richly colored the young BB roo is, and definately want to get him a mate, not only so he will not be lonely (after I separate the young LB's) but also to prevent fighting, and eventually to expand my little flock. Does anyone have a BB pullet they could sell me? I could order chicks from a hatchery, but my Bert would have a long time to wait before I had anything partner-ready for him, particularly since I won't have a brooder space even available till a couple months from now after our move. I would be happy with a BB pullet/hen anywhere from 8 weeks through 2 years. Anyone able to help me (and Bert) out here please PM me to let me know how much you would like me to pay. Shipping likely will be involved, as I live in SE Kansas (67341). Thanks much, Sara
Hey all Missed the threads my mom Had a heart attack and 4 stints put in so i have been away from home and my putor barely worked in the hospital ....

but i am back i love the discussion about vulture hocks and have been looking at my birds really strong so far i do not have them and now know to cull those birds . Thank you for that info as i have never even heard about them before. Tammy
Howdy folks - I'm new on this forum, and relatively new to buff brahma. I love my small flock of adult light brahma, so last fall I purchased 3 juvenile LBs, was sent two buff brahma as well. It turned out that all but one of the juveniles were actually roos, so I have no BB pullets. I found a home for my second BB roo, but my remaining roo is lonely, and though he and my remaining young Light Brahma roo so far are just play fighting they are beginning to both get serious about the one young pullet - a LB. She's ignoring their advances so far, but they are dancing for her and skirmishing with each other. I don't want actual fighting. In a couple months I will have moved to a larger farm where I will have a large coop with separated pens to use as needed, and will keep the young LB pair in a spot of their own for a time. But until then I'm concerned about things getting a little testy between the two young guys, so I need to find a partner for my 7 month old BB. Eventually I want to breed both the BB's and the LB's. My older LB's are from a neighbor, who got them from a hatchery - not Show Quality. My young ones are SQ. I have fallen in love with how richly colored the young BB roo is, and definately want to get him a mate, not only so he will not be lonely (after I separate the young LB's) but also to prevent fighting, and eventually to expand my little flock. Does anyone have a BB pullet they could sell me? I could order chicks from a hatchery, but my Bert would have a long time to wait before I had anything partner-ready for him, particularly since I won't have a brooder space even available till a couple months from now after our move. I would be happy with a BB pullet/hen anywhere from 8 weeks through 2 years. Anyone able to help me (and Bert) out here please PM me to let me know how much you would like me to pay. Shipping likely will be involved, as I live in SE Kansas (67341). Thanks much, Sara
Sara , Welcome love these birds ... Do you have a bator ? maybe eggs would be a fun way to go or there are some here on this list
the only thing i would say is stay away from hatchery stock, but that is up to you and your Purpose in what you want the birds for .
I hope you get a few emails from breeders that way you can get genetic diversity in your flock ,. Tammy
Hey all Missed the threads my mom Had a heart attack and 4 stints put in so i have been away from home and my putor barely worked in the hospital ....

but i am back i love the discussion about vulture hocks and have been looking at my birds really strong so far i do not have them and now know to cull those birds . Thank you for that info as i have never even heard about them before. Tammy
so sorry to hear about your mom, I pray everything is well.
Howdy folks - I'm new on this forum, and relatively new to buff brahma.  I love my small flock of  adult light brahma, so last fall I purchased 3 juvenile LBs, was sent two buff brahma as well.  It turned out that all but one of the juveniles were actually roos, so I have no BB pullets.  I found a home for my second BB roo, but my remaining roo is lonely, and though he and my remaining young Light Brahma roo so far are just play fighting they are beginning to both get serious about the one young pullet - a LB.  She's ignoring their advances so far, but they are dancing for her and skirmishing with each other.  I don't want actual fighting.  In a couple months I will have moved to a larger farm where I will have a large coop with separated pens to use as needed, and will keep the young LB pair in a spot of their own for a time.  But until then I'm concerned about things getting a little testy between the two young guys, so I need to find a partner for my 7 month old BB.  Eventually I want to breed both the BB's and the LB's.  My older LB's are from a neighbor, who got them from a hatchery - not Show Quality.  My young ones are SQ.  I have fallen in love with how richly colored the young BB roo is, and definately want to get him a mate, not only so he will not be lonely (after I separate the young LB's) but also to prevent fighting, and eventually to expand my little flock.   Does anyone have a BB pullet they could sell me?  I could order chicks from a hatchery, but my Bert would have a long time to wait before I had anything partner-ready for him, particularly since I won't have a brooder space even available till a couple months from now after our move.  I would be happy with a BB pullet/hen anywhere from 8 weeks through 2 years.  Anyone able to help me (and Bert) out here please PM me to let me know how much you would like me to pay.  Shipping likely will be involved, as I live in SE Kansas (67341).  Thanks much, Sara


Have you thought about getting another breed if you can't find a bb you could always rehome later or sell Eggs as mixed or just eat the eggs it may be quicker than holding out for a Brahma
Sara , Welcome love these birds ... Do you have a bator ? maybe eggs would be a fun way to go or there are some here on this list
the only thing i would say is stay away from hatchery stock, but that is up to you and your Purpose in what you want the birds for .
I hope you get a few emails from breeders that way you can get genetic diversity in your flock ,. Tammy

Thanks for the welcome Tammy. I have a mini dome bator that takes only 4 eggs, but its hard (as in kind of impossible) to regulate temp and moisture, so it doesn't work very well. Just got it for an experiment with my son. I do have a mature LB hen who is making signs of going broody, so I may get lucky in that way. I kind of need something for Bert, my young BB roo, sooner than hatching is going to take though.
He is frustrated now, and I don't want the tussling going on between him and my LB young roo to turn into actual fighting over the one pullet - a LB. Plus, once we have moved and I have the space to sequester the two young LB's for breeding, Bert is going to be all alone. Maybe I need to get him a temporary companion of another breed. I too prefer to stay away from hatchery stock. I love my mature LB's, which were hatchery stock, via a neighbor. But I've fallen in love with the breed, and want to preserve the genetics. Plus, hatchery stock so often is not healthy. My young brahmas are show quality. I'm not going to being showing, just want to expand my own flock while preserving the line. Yes, genetic diversity would be good. Thanks, Sara
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