Brahma Thread

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I remember reading a long time ago, I believe in this thread that what is known as partridge brahmas could easily be bred out of Dark Brahmas. Would anyone here have an idea what crosses I would need to make such a color pattern. I am hoping someone knowledgeable in genetics can chime in here with help.
I remember reading a long time ago, I believe in this thread that what is known as partridge brahmas could easily be bred out of Dark Brahmas. Would anyone here have an idea what crosses I would need to make such a color pattern. I am hoping someone knowledgeable in genetics can chime in here with help.
I don't know how "easily" it might be done. I "THINK" its basically like the light/buff cross. You have to have at least one of each. A partridge male over a dark female would result in partridge females and off colored males. A dark male over a partridge female would produce dark females and off colored males. Not sure why you would want to do it as both exist in pretty fair quantities already.

Here is a pic of .my roo he struck a poser for me, he is huge and pretty I'm just not sure how close to standard he is, comments please
I don't know how "easily" it might be done. I "THINK" its basically like the light/buff cross. You have to have at least one of each. A partridge male over a dark female would result in partridge females and off colored males. A dark male over a partridge female would produce dark females and off colored males. Not sure why you would want to do it as both exist in pretty fair quantities already.

just curious as to the process specifics, i don't plan on doing it. Thanks for the input Tim.
I am so happy that my one and only Dark Brahma hen started laying last week, been getting an egg a day until yesterday, between yesterday and today i got 3 eggs from her, i know thats very rare.....I haven't checked fertility yet so im not sure if the roo is doing his job.
Hello. Im very very new to raising chickens for eggs. I have a friend who is looking to get rid of three chicks that were hatched on 3/14/13. My question is how can I tell if they are female? Also what is the likely hood of a male to be born. Thanks
Theoretically, your odds of hatching a male is 50 - 50, unless you really want females, then it will usually run around 80 - 20 male.
Hello. Im very very new to raising chickens for eggs. I have a friend who is looking to get rid of three chicks that were hatched on 3/14/13. My question is how can I tell if they are female? Also what is the likely hood of a male to be born. Thanks
This isnt scientific but i have noticed with my orps and brahmas Ive hatched that the females have almost non existant combs when little and the boys bigger.Now these might be at a week old and not a few days.
You can tell really pretty well by 5 weeks. So far i have only been wrong once
5 weeks the boys combs seem to turn pink and the girls stay almost white.
Well thats how it happens for me
.I havent ever heard anyone say this is a way to tell but my .an observation with these breeds so far.
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