Brahma Thread

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Hello. Im very very new to raising chickens for eggs. I have a friend who is looking to get rid of three chicks that were hatched on 3/14/13. My question is how can I tell if they are female? Also what is the likely hood of a male to be born. Thanks
Thanks for sharing your very first post here. I know the first few days they can be sexed, I'm not sure of the difference in their wing feathers, but Google it, and maybe learn this early on, take a gamble with those chicks, and teach the rest of us. Good luck, and welcome aboard!!!
I purchased some chicks, yesterday and planned to get Araucanas, but was just told that I may have a Dark Brahma. If anyone has a picture of one as an adult and a chick, could you post it for me? I don't mind that this one may not be what I thought, I just don't know anything about the Dark Brahma breed. Thanks!
What age do you guys start culling Dark bantams and what are the first things you look for? I've had Light bantams ages ago, but Dark's are a new one on me, mine are coming up on 5 weeks of age from Duane Urch. I've attached a gratuitous shot of them in the brooder with some Polish and Campine friends.

Heres a couple pictures of my brahmas, not the best pictures sorry about that. Any comments on the birds welcome good and bad. Thats the only way to be able to improve. I know the buff male in the picture his comb is horrible. Will post more pictures of my other brahmas later.

The buff rooster needs to carry his wings higher. From the looks of things the darks need wider heads. The light male could carry his tail a bit lower too. That's what I have for now.
Thank you. Yes all those things i need to improve on for sure. It's hard to get a good head on a dark i'm finding. Not like the heads on the light and buff females. I have to work with what we have up here though. Isn't to much to choose from. So i'm working with what i have.
What age do you guys start culling Dark bantams and what are the first things you look for? I've had Light bantams ages ago, but Dark's are a new one on me, mine are coming up on 5 weeks of age from Duane Urch. I've attached a gratuitous shot of them in the brooder with some Polish and Campine friends.

Vulture hocks are usually quite visible by 4-5 weeks. First thing to cull in Bantam darks.

Don, your birds and set-up look good. John Beamers is in Ontario with good large and bantam Darks. Do you know him.

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