Brahma Thread

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I talked to Darlene a while back, and she doesn't have Lf. Buffs, only Bantams. She does have Lf. Lights and Darks, so maybe you mistakenly ordered what were Bantam Buffs. She wouldn't deliberately mislead anyone, she's reputable all the way.
Well maybe it wasn't her then. I was almost positive that they were hers. Well then I take back what I said earlier.
Did you say something earlier?
Please don't jump on me If this is a taboo question. I'm new to Brahmas and I'm trying to see if I have any options. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the background info:
I have three, year old chickens and three, five month old chickens. It was a rough introduction between the two groups and I even had to get a second coop in order to separate them Because the older girls were doing a number on the younger ones. Lots of pulled feathers, torn skin, missing toe nail, etc... They pulled all of the beautiful leg feathers out of the Brahma and the Marans. Their legs were a bloody mess. The separating at night and free ranging together during the day seemed to do the trick and they are finally all back together in the same coop after a months separation. Everything was going great. Leg feathers were all grown back. There was definitely a hierarchy established but everyone was fine together.

Here's the situation:
I work in a hospital and had to go in in the middle of the night which meant that I slept late in the morning and didn't go open the coop till about 9a. Well I opened the coop to a bloody mess. No leg feathers left on either girl. I can tell their legs hurt too because they randomly hold them up tucked underneath them. I think this happened because they were bored and wanted out and picked at them out of frustration.

Here's the question:
Have you ever heard of trimming the leg feathers (even though they're beautiful) so they aren't screaming to be picked at?

Have never had any problem like that, but had my first hatch of the year this week. All Brahma's, with the exception of two Cornish. They were all fascinated by these weird birds with naked toes that must have looked to them like juicy little pink worms or something. I think everyone of them tried those toes at least once the first day or two, then they got used to it.
Please don't jump on me If this is a taboo question. I'm new to Brahmas and I'm trying to see if I have any options. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the background info:
I have three, year old chickens and three, five month old chickens. It was a rough introduction between the two groups and I even had to get a second coop in order to separate them Because the older girls were doing a number on the younger ones. Lots of pulled feathers, torn skin, missing toe nail, etc... They pulled all of the beautiful leg feathers out of the Brahma and the Marans. Their legs were a bloody mess. The separating at night and free ranging together during the day seemed to do the trick and they are finally all back together in the same coop after a months separation. Everything was going great. Leg feathers were all grown back. There was definitely a hierarchy established but everyone was fine together.

Here's the situation:
I work in a hospital and had to go in in the middle of the night which meant that I slept late in the morning and didn't go open the coop till about 9a. Well I opened the coop to a bloody mess. No leg feathers left on either girl. I can tell their legs hurt too because they randomly hold them up tucked underneath them. I think this happened because they were bored and wanted out and picked at them out of frustration.

Here's the question:
Have you ever heard of trimming the leg feathers (even though they're beautiful) so they aren't screaming to be picked at?
What i did and still do is Quatenteen your New Birds From your flock ALWAYS . then after Quarenteen you can Put in a Divider fence and even one for the Coop that is why we have 3 Areas we can add a window so the new birds and would be only able to get to their side of the coop and pen,
this allows the Birds to get aquanted with out the Instant HAY your not allowed ,.

People call it a Pecking order . OK its also a Territorial order . My rooster wont allow even strange HENS in the yard . so i have to let them know its OK for them to be there let them see me feeding them . My Main hen recently passed she laid Double yolk eggs all the time she has been here and neurocroptsy is coming . or she would chase any new even babies out of their side of the yard ,

Poor birds LOL
Yes, I was specifically talking about large lights. BTW, I would NEVER recommend anyone that I would not do business with. I only recommend ABC members. John and Darlene are both friends of mine, you could not find better folks anywhere.


Darlene was recommend to me months ago when I first started looking into Lt. Brahmas. Actually they told me her birds could be on the big side.
That's what I'm looking for!! The gentle giants!
How many of you cull chicks? I have one that is smaller than the other ones, isn't as active, and doesn't seem to be as feathered in. It tends to act weak in there and not as strong. How many of you think culling would be the best option? I'm trying this year to have less poor quality chicks make it to adult hood. That way I don't waste my money raising garbage.
Can anyone tell me if the large Brahmas roost, mine is very large and 5 months old. I have lowered some roost, but she doesnt fly up. Also she looks like she will be too big for my 12x12 hen houses, will a wooden box with straw be alright for her.
LF brahmas generally don't roost because they are so big. I just let mine sleep in the nesting boxes and I just clean them frequently. If you want to put a roost in just put it only a few inches off the ground. I find that my younger brahmas like to perch but once they are older they have less desire. I'm kind of confused about the second part so I can't help you.
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