Brahma Thread

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This is my Brahma Buff. He or she has 8 weeks old. Do you think it's a male or a female? And do you think he or she will be conform with the standard?

This is my Brahma Buff. He or she has 8 weeks old. Do you think it's a male or a female? And do you think he or she will be conform with the standard?

My guess is pullet. As to whether he or she will conform with the standard, my opinion is it is too early to know. At 8 weeks it still has a lot of growing and conforming to do.
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Does anyone have any tips on giving baths to chickens. I have recently just placed Coo Coo in a bucket with a small amount of water and got her feet wet just to cool her down. You know because of the recent hot weather. But she absolutely hates it.
It look like a he! I might be wrong wait little longer...usally by the feathers....long and pointy. The combs seem to be redder also. My guess it a ROOSTER! This is for post on page 664.
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What color is my Brahma hen?
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