Brahma Thread

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Hi Mrs Foote.
I'm a newbie, like you. I took a look at the pics you had listed for the chickens and it sure does look like a boy.
Tim63 knows his stuff and, I'm sure, he's known it for years. While it seems crass to you (and I may have taken it the same way if I were in your shoes), I would take what he says about gender, or form, or anything else pertaining to Brahmas, esp buffs, to heart.
It doesn't bother any of us on the thread to post your pics. We love seeing them. She or he will be 2 weeks older now, which is 2 weeks easier to tell the gender. There are many people on here who have been doing this for many years. And I've heard of peoples' roos taking a year to crow. So just wait... If it is a boy, you'll find out soon enough if it doesn't lay an egg.
BUT POST YOUR PICTURES! We all love to admire them and learn from them...
Hi Mrs Foote.
I'm a newbie, like you. I took a look at the pics you had listed for the chickens and it sure does look like a boy.
Tim63 knows his stuff and, I'm sure, he's known it for years. While it seems crass to you (and I may have taken it the same way if I were in your shoes), I would take what he says about gender, or form, or anything else pertaining to Brahmas, esp buffs, to heart.
It doesn't bother any of us on the thread to post your pics. We love seeing them. She or he will be 2 weeks older now, which is 2 weeks easier to tell the gender. There are many people on here who have been doing this for many years. And I've heard of peoples' roos taking a year to crow. So just wait... If it is a boy, you'll find out soon enough if it doesn't lay an egg.
BUT POST YOUR PICTURES! We all love to admire them and learn from them...

Thank you so much I know he knows his stuff I just feel horrible we have really taken a liking to "Lucy" and I just gave away 3 of my sons other roosters one who Tim said was a roo when I had been told he was originally a female I have no problems saying when someone is right. However I was just simply asking a question on when they crow....because "Lucy" has not shown a single rooster like trait other than looking like a boy and to some they thing he is a boyish looking girl so I'm so confused...and I might have to rehome my other favorite who is a silkie cuz he is looking boyish as out of 6 I'm down to 3 and 2 of them who are my favorites are boyish looking and we can't keep roos in the city but the people who took my other roos said they'd take these guys as well if they were for sure boys and I'm okay with that atleast I know they'll live their lives out as pets on 20 then the only pullet I really have was one my sister in law picked out and i CAN'T stand I'm a little disappointed and it will break my sons heart so I was just simply wondering at what age other peoples started to crow cuz all Lucy has done is honked and someone said that if she was a pullet getting close to lay they do that at time so I was told just keep her until she either crows or lays an I'm frustrated and confused and I know Tim knows his stuff but if he is going to be rude then my point was keep it to yourself my chickens are pets not food sources and I just want to make sure before I ship him off.

Also the chicken in question isn't the buff....I'm asking about the poorly marked light standard brahma
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Both of your Brahmas, the Buff and Light are cockerels.

Females do not exhibit the "pointy" saddle feathers. It is only seen in males. Your male could be one of the lower-ranking members on the totem pole, so he might not crow until around 8 months, although most of mine began crowing around 6 months.
Thats just the odd thing is Lucy is the highest ranking one breaks up all fights that occured between the roos we rehomed they others all followed Lucy never has Lucy done anything that would say yea....he is a boy acts more girly then anything even then our one who i KNOW is a female...
and lucys saddle feathers aren't really pointy like the buff ones were they are kinda rounded and pointy at the same over the chickens at this moment in my life...and I love them to death.....
You might want to call wherever you're taking it to, to let them know they'll have another one on the way fairly soon. I'm surprised he hasn't attempted to mount yet, or are those photos recent?

Brahma tastes pretty yummy...

Edit: sorry...saw that you weren't wanting to eat them.
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Those photos are almost 2 weeks old never once tried to mount got mad at one of the botted banties when they mounted my silkie and the silkie didn't like it lucy went and pecked the little roo and and broke up the squabble and i mean lucy has literally never mounted never fluffed up its neck feathers or anything....
Yes, he's still too young. Largefowl (standard) Brahmas take much longer than bantams to sexually mature. He may just be getting the beginning hormones that are telling his comb and body to develop the male traits, but the behavior and voice changes may not have happened yet.

Give it time...he will crow and mount eventually.
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Well thank you...I'm just sad that my poorly colored light brahma who is my favorite and a complete gossip is a boy....thank you for the help I have no problem taking advice from the experts as long as it's done tastefully.
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