Brahma Thread

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I am brand new to the whole chicken thing. Proud owner of a pair of young brahmas. I am really not sure about their age. I would be glad to have some comment on their colour.
Those are Mark Peterson's birds. He does not sell eggs or chicks to my knowledge. They are impressive. He sold every Large Light Brahma he brought to sell at crossroads by the middle of the first day.
I beg to differ.
I love some UK birds but I prefer mine to not have vulture hocks, and I prefer the American Araucana to the UK, umm, Araucana if that's what you call them.
Those are Mark Peterson's birds. He does not sell eggs or chicks to my knowledge. They are impressive. He sold every Large Light Brahma he brought to sell at crossroads by the middle of the first day.

Thanks for the reply, does anyone here breeds Light Brahmas similar to Mark Peterson's? Thanks!

Thank you for your kind remark.
Is there anymore comments on them?. I want to breed but don't want to start of wrong
I beg to differ.
I love some UK birds but I prefer mine to not have vulture hocks, and I prefer the American Araucana to the UK, umm, Araucana if that's what you call them.

They probably say the same thing about our Araucanas...
Actually they do have our version of Araucanas too, I'm mainly referring to the more common tailed/muffed/crested ones.

But anyway, on topic, - Love the lights from Crossroads.
Hi Carin -

You chose my personal favorites! They look to be pretty young to me, my reason being the pullet's comb and wattles aren't fully developed and red, so it looks like she is just under laying age, although if she is molting they wouldn't be as red, either. They look redder in the second picture, so I'm really just guessing.

I think the roo is a little older because his saddle and hackle feathers look to be all the way in. I would guess he's about a year old. Brahmas are sloooow to mature. He does have vulture hocks, which are a no-no here in America, but desired in the UK, so I'm not sure about what is accepted where you are.

Personally, I think they are beautiful! Welcome to the world of Brahmas - you won't just have a pair for long!

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