Brahma Thread

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Lol, isn't it funny how all the girls ignore their dancing....fickle fickle girls!

I just had to pop in and see all the brahma's.  We have a light brahma roo. He's a year old, and a good boy.  I'm not an expert in great show quality, but he's worth watching to us.  He's pretty nice to the girls and is quite entertaining. 

This is Big Daddy.

Here he's doing is "hey baby look at me" dance.  LOL.  None of the girls seem interested dude, but you just keep dancing. 

I know nothing about show birds, but I think your dancing Brahma is beautiful. That's funny that he does that.
The dancing routine is funny.


Mine has never done that yet. My Blue Andalusian rooster puffs up his chest and flaps his wings. That's it so far. My Brahma rooster is just starting to, squeek.
Maybe you should consider bantams. They mature more quickly.

Thanks so much for all of the photos. It helps to visualize the descriptions. I am trying to block my schedule off so that I can make it to a fall show... only problem is I need to find an expert to walk around with me and point out the minute details that I would not pick up on myself. With the "wide head- deep brow" characteristic.... is that something that is equally desired in both male and female?

I got a chuckle out of the questions on the young birds. I know patience is going to challenge me with this large breed. I can already see myself in some of the posts....probably when they aren't even dry from the hatch yet:)

Thanks you all for sharing your experience and ideas with us!
I was hoping maybe you guys could help me out; since you're more familiar with Brahmas.
I have a problem chick that is giving me trouble. It thinks it's both a girl and a boy and has me thoroughly confused still at 8.5 weeks. Here's the link I posted in the gender section. Thanks for any help. At this rate I'm going to have to wait for crowing to be able to tell for sure
. And that could be awhile; their dad didn't start crowing until 18 weeks and he's not here to teach them.
When do Brahmas typically start laying? I am wondering when I should switch from Purina Medicated Start and Grow to the Layena feed.
These are my first bantam buff Columbian Brahma chicks and I am loving them!
Any tips on sexing? I have a feeling the larger ones with the lighter gold heads are the roosters?

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Every thing else being equal, such as proper space (not over crowded), good feed and water, there are a few things to consider that can influence start of lay.

First off, size, in general bigger birds take longer to mature. Just as a bantam matures faster than large fowl, hatchery chicks will generally mature considerably faster than their much larger show breed cousins.

Time of year can also be a factor. Pullets coming of age going into winters short days ,without supplimental light, may take longer, untill the days start getting longer.
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