Brahma Thread

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Owen County Fair won BB, BV, Res B, and Res Var. Champion Featherlegged and Grand Champion Bantam

Indiana State Fair won BV and Res B with a Light Brahma Bantam Cock

THANK YOU TIM for getting us a great start in this wonderful breed!

The Fall show season starts Sept 1 then one show a month until the first of the yr!!!!
Owen County Fair won BB, BV, Res B, and Res Var. Champion Featherlegged and Grand Champion Bantam

Indiana State Fair won BV and Res B with a Light Brahma Bantam Cock

THANK YOU TIM for getting us a great start in this wonderful breed!

The Fall show season starts Sept 1 then one show a month until the first of the yr!!!!
Awesome! That kind of news makes my day. Our first show will be Sept 1 as well .Four shows in Sept, then one each in Oct,Nov, Dec and Jan. Again, thanks for the good news.

Tim L.
Temps here stay at over 105 and have hit 116 during the summer. I have misters, just the kind you can buy at Home Depot or Lowes that attach to a hose. Those work really well, even when it is humid it seems to bring the temps down to not so killer levels. I also have water dishes that they can wade in. I did lose 3 of my Barnvelders early on before I got the misters, but now the rest seem to be doing ok.
It kind of depends on what your goals are. I suggest starting with the best birds you can afford from a reputable breeder if you goal is to show. A trio or a couple of pairs. If you are just breeding for personal enjoyment...go with what you have.

Tim L.
I think I would like to show eventually. And roo two is a nice boy who gets along with everyone. Roo one is a bully and will have to go.
Okay, I'm a little confused. I am not planning on showing my chicken, but... Where are you showing your chickens at? I looked at the local festival/fair rules near me, just curious what was all involved.

Is that where you show? Cause it seems odd to me to leave your chicken there for so long.

They stated that they are to be dropped off and registered on Nov 6. then picked back up on Nov 13th. That just seems like a long time to leave your chickens.
I only show at one and two day shows. Usually Saturday only. Sometimes Saturday and Sunday. Of course Crossroads was three days, usually its just one day, Saturday shows.
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