
I know that temperament may vary by individual, but in your experience, how do the Brahma roosters act?
Honestly, I just got my first light brahma rooster two days ago, He's about 7 months old and compared any other roosters I've had so far he's been very docile, he has been in a fight with our other rooster but he doesn't go looking for any if that makes sense.

Top: My Buff Brahma roo... he was never aggressive.
Bottom: One of my Light Brahma hens
They are gorgeous birds!
(oops, the app switched the pictures! Roo on bottom, hen in top picture...)
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I got my first Brahmas yesterday, Buffs I think. They were super cool today fitting in with the flock. They just wandered about, calm as could be ❤️.


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I am hoping to get a Brahma pullet soon so this thread has been really helpful.

My only concern is whether their feathered feet will cause me problems living in a very rainy UK. I currently have a mixed flock of a silkie hen and cockerel and 2 Marans.

Do you find the brahmas are extra work or need special care apart from keeping their feet dry? I let mine free range in the garden but when it is really wet they stay in their covered run

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