Breaking the nurse-to-sleep association. No-Cry Sleep Solution.

All dairy is the best place to start. My oldest would projectile vomit all the time until I made the dairy connection. It can be a hard thing to figure out, but it is so worth it once you figure it out.
I'm willing to do it, finally, but I gotta tell you, I don't know if anything could ever be "worth" giving up dairy. That's like 90% of my quality of life just gone. Poof. I never thought I'd be pushed to the point where I was willing to even give it a shot, but that's where I am now and I hate it. I hate substitute milks in my cereal, although I'm starting to experiment. Soy milk stinks, so rice milk is next. But still, am I really going to live life without ice cream, yogurt, and cheese? Ugh.
LOL I hear ya. Trust me. I can't eat gluten, rice, corn OR dairy. Those are just the major things. I have huge list of others as well. I find it easier to eliminate things rather than find substitutes. I just stopped eating cereal and make other things for breakfast. You might want to try Coconut Bliss for ice cream. Super yummy! {{hugs}} Perhaps some of your digestive upset could benefit as well. *shrugs*
Have you tried raw dairy?
It can make all the difference in the world.
SOy milk is a bad idea, as its full of phyto estrogens.
You might want to look at a Traditional Foods diet.
Raw dairy, soaked, fermented grains, fermented cod liver oil.
A high fiber diet to make things flow properly is very hard on the intestines, and is indicative of a leaky gut and poor immune system.
No one has mentioned a pacifier yet. I didn't want to use one with my babies, but our pediatrician suggested giving it a try. Many babies just need to suck to soothe themselves, and I gave in. It was much better for me than having my son stuck to my breast all night. I only gave it to him in his crib for sleeping, so he wasn't attached to it during the day. And it wasn't really hard to break the habit. My second son wouldn't take a pacifier at all, and I sometimes wished he would. Find anything that works! Good luck!
Gotta tell you when people say to me, my child is still nursing to sleep at 9 months, I think, "so.........?" They are little babies and they are biologically programmed to tell us what they need. He is telling you he still needs to nurse. He is absolutely NOT going to need to nurse to sleep for the rest of his life, whether you try to "train" him now or let it happen naturally on its own.

I found that relaxing and letting things happen naturally made for less stress for me AND my babies. Found out later it was called "child led weaning." LOL, at the time, I didn't know there was a name for it.

I would throw away the books that say he should be sleeping this many hours or this is the way to wean at night, etc. Every baby is different. This, too, shall pass. He will not be this little needy all night bean for long.
Have you tried raw dairy?
It can make all the difference in the world.
SOy milk is a bad idea, as its full of phyto estrogens.

ITA with this. My youngest just turned 1 on Halloween. I have no idea how that year went so fast. He is a very long way off from not nursing at night. Neither of my other two were even close to sleeping through the night at this age. If there are added problems then they should be fixed (i.e. allergens).
My friends son woke up numerous times during the night wanting fed until the pediatrician suggested that the child might be waking up due to allergies. They kept the pets out of his room, took out the stuffed animals and the carpet and like magic he started sleeping through the night. He had been waking up due to trouble breathing then just ate to comfort himself back to sleep. Its a thought

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