Breaking the nurse-to-sleep association. No-Cry Sleep Solution.

My wife has this to say about it, hope it helps.

I'm Moabite's wife. He dragged me over here because he knows we (I) dealt with this when our daughter was nine months old in August. She was co-sleeping with us and although he didn't lose sleep from her nursing all night, I definitely did. Yes, she didn't cry, but inside I was exhausted. I couldn't sleep at all. I finally got the courage to just move her crib into her own room and let her cry it out.

I still rock her to sleep, I don't walk her around I think that is too stimulating for her. I sing to her, and I can tell when she has had enough singing because her hands come up to my mouth as if to tell me to stop. I do nurse her to calm her down and relax her and rock her in my lap in the lazyboy chair. Then when I know she is asleep I lay her in her crib. The first night she cried for 45 minutes when I laid her down. Three minutes the next night and that was it. Now I nurse her till she falls asleep, then gently lay her in her crib. She makes a little sound sometimes and rolls over.

Remember that your son just been taught that this is how you fall asleep and he might be scared of the unfamiliarity of it. When he's crying it's because he isn't use to it and he misses being close. But he will get use to it. If it were me, I would go in there after 5 minutes, and just talk to him soothingly, tell him it's okay and that it's nigh nigh time and then leave. Then go in there after seven to ten minutes extending it each time. He will get tired and go to sleep eventually. It is not that hard if you don't let it be. Just know he is still going to love you, and he won't remember this, he isn't going to hold it against you.

That's ot​
Thanks Sonoran Silkies. In answer, I think (without digging out his records) that his weight started in the high sixties, then dropped steadily until now it's 30. Last visit was 57%, I believe. And that was prior to starting to crawl.

Spitting up? No, he almost never does this.

We have a white noise machine going in his room all the time and I'm about to set up one of those lights that puts the constellation on the ceiling and rotates it. I'm hoping that it mesmerizes him a little bit.

We start our bedtime routine at 7:00 or 7:30, and it's usually no problem for him to sleep (very broken up) until 7:30 in the morning or later. The past two mornings it was much later. So when he's not even willing to give me that late wake-up, after terrorizing me all night, I get VERY frustrated and weepy.
Well, as far as the daytime naps go, everything I've read says that limiting his daytime sleep will make him sleep less well at night. So I've been trying to lengthen his daytime sleep, and not having much luck. He's probably getting less than two hours of napping a day and the books say at this age I need to shoot for four hours if he's to get any sleep at night. They say that he's overtired if he gets less than that, which makes him more prone to waking up.

Anyway, his bedtime routine, I don't think it would be possible to make him stay up longer. He is wrecked by 7:30 most nights and gets very fussy if I don't shut off the lights and start to nurse him to sleep.
I'm sorry to hear that. It's so common, but that doesn't make it easy! Last night, when I finally brought him to bed with me, I think he insisted on staying latched on to the breast for the rest of the night.
Two thoughts......First, those weight charts are based on formula feeding. Apples and oranges when it comes to breastfeeding. Second, have you analyzed what you are eating that may be causing his digestive upsets? I have had to figure that out for all three of my kids.
That's particularly tough for me to figure out. I'm having to eat a high fiber diet myself, because my digestive system has been all wrong since he was born. I'm hoping that clears up when I stop breastfeeding, but until then, I'm strictly focusing on fiber and I've dropped cow's milk in the last week, but I've not cut out dairy entirely. I still eat ice cream and cheese, although those might be the next things to go.

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