Breast cancer: Q&As "URGENT"

Make a list--write out all of your questions to take to your Dr. so you don't forget anything.

and yes, we are all here for you. You will not walk into that exam room alone; you have many of us walking in there with you, in spirit.
First, my thoughts and prayers are with you- you are doing the right thing in learning as much as you can! You have gotten some great advice here- what little more I can tell you is just stuff from my personal experience.
I am a breast cancer survivor- had it twice in 1992- same breast. They did a lumpectomy the first surgery, as it was a small lump and a slow growing type of cancer. 6 months later I had the breast removed as a different type of cancer decided to take up residence. I had several months of chemo and gained weightduring that time period. The doctor actually told me not to fight the weight gain, as it was something that came with the chemo. Depending on what type of cancer you have and how aggressively your oncologist (GET AN ONCOLOGIST !!!) feels your treatment needs to be, that may be something that works in your favor- not all cancer patients lose weight.

Most importantly, stay positive. Losing a breast does not threaten your identity as a woman, it just simply does NOT, and any man worth anything won't give a second thought as to whether you have one or two. My very precious DH has told me he never thinks about it, and doesn't really notice one isn't there.

If you are fairly young, there is no history of cancer in your family and the biopsy doesn't show any involvement in the lymph nodes, a lumpectomy may be the way to go. But whatever you do, DO SOMETHING and do it with the attitude that you are going to lick this thing- that you are gonna kick cancer in the butt.

PM me if you like-
All the hugs in the world!
Sara, how did your dr's appt go ? still praying for a good out come.
I also just found your post, I am also a breast cancer survivor. We have to stand together and be sisters of a very scary illness. I found my best friends was who I wanted to turn to, my family was so scared they didn't want to ask me question or give any suggestions. So my girls went to every Dr appt. and every chemo treatment.

I found a lump in Nov. 2000- had a lumpectomy, four chemo treatments and 36 radiations treatments. This was stage one cancer and "a very treatable type" of cancer.

I found another lump Dec. 2001- had a mastectomy and eight rounds of chemo. I am 54 years old now and doing great.

You can do this it is not as bad as it sounds and I would do it all over again of the other side if needed.
I do have a very strong family history of breast cancer, my mothers sisters and my mothers mother. So, they did treat it very aggressively.

What is most important is what the doctor says about the size, stage, and treatment. The Oncologist will be your person to listen to.

I wish you the very best and please keep us update.
Well I am out of the cave I've been hiding in since this whole thing started. The sad thing is my hiding in a cave didn't make it go away.
The biopsy that was taken came back unconclusive so I didn't have to make the decission to just get the lump or take the whole breast. My doctor said under the surcumstances we would just take the mass {lump}. That alone was a real releif to me. I'm still not out of the woods yet though. The results to what the mass was is due for me to find out on the 9th. My anxiety level is through the roof and I'm sure it will stay there until I find out.

Thanks for everyone that shared a story, it really did help me. Also I have been power eating, bypassing my anorexia. I do know if I am sick I will need the extra weight for my body to fight the disease.
Excellent about the eating... good for you, you'll definitley need nutrition to FIGHT, if it is the ugly c word... so glad you've started eating now! I hope it isn't anything serious but you'll be in my prayers, Sara.
Hi there I just want you to know that your husband loves you as you are....I've been catching up on reading this post and just want you to know that if you don't.....Felt "pulled" to tell you that.....

Now secondly we pray and pray for you in your situation....Make sure that the doc spends the time with you you need. Find a local support group too.....Remember you are unique and God loves you so....I have a friend here in town going through chemo and she's finding my goat milk, buttermilk and yogurt to be helpful for her....Do make a list of questions and also bring a friend with you to help you remember all the answers. Make friends with those nurses....They are your line to the Doc and info.

God bless you.

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