Breda Fowl thread

I have 4 lighter colored chicks with a variety of dark and light areas. One is much darker. They are about a month old. I think I need to handle them more. I go into the brooder room and they start popping around like popcorn!

I have 4 lighter colored chicks with a variety of dark and light areas. One is much darker. They are about a month old. I think I need to handle them more. I go into the brooder room and they start popping around like popcorn!
Here are pictures of several of my Blue Breda. They are all a little different. One is very dark and the others are all various shades of grey blue. They are starting to grow their crests!

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Beautiful birds everyone! I am new to the breed and still trying to get as much information as I can. Is there a way to feather sex the young birds?
I looked for resources on whether they could be feather sexed or not. Breda's are pretty rare and I just could not find any information. They also have a divet for a comb so I won't be able to tell that way either. Just have to wait it out I guess.
Beautiful Bredas! I have one, just inherited from the woman who started this thread, and her feathers are in rough shape. She is quirky and easy to touch or catch. I would like to 'talk shop' and maybe find someone else close by who keeps Bredas.
How many new breeds did you inherit? Breda Fowl, Cream Legbars, Orlofs, Houdan, others? How long have you had poultry? What breed/s do you know the best?

I feel very on the spot. I also have two Polish which came in the downsize. I had Ams, Brahma and Welsummers already so know them best on the farm as well as Barred rocks, RIR. I also have one golden Lakenvelder and one Mille Fleur D'Anvers. I have about 15 years of caring for other people's animals-- fowl included, horses and goats, ducks, geese and pigs also on the list. I have been lurking around local shows for a few years but still know almost nothing at all about that world. No mentors here, just elbow grease. I find that what matters to me most, after knowing that my birds are healthy, is knowing that I am part of tending breeds that warrant attention. Being a bird snob isn't important (though I might be one eventually) but being a good owner, breeder and educator is. I want people to see what I have and ask questions, take interest, and then maybe get some of these themselves. I'm not sure who to focus on after Brahmas and Ams. Some are just 'pets' but knowing about them fits into my principles.
Here is my light colored Blue Breda Fowl. I have decided that this one is a pullet. I heard her trill today. Someone once said that they could tell their day-old pullets from the cockerels by the sounds they make. They said the trills were pullets.

I have decided that my dark colored Blue Breda Fowl is a cockerel. At just a few weeks old he was already perching on the highest thing he could find. I have decided that the cockerels are the ones that are the first to find the high perches. No science or tests have been applied to either of these methods, but until I know for sure this is what I am sticking too.


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